Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Wyatt's long overdue haircut

After Zach got his haircut today, it was Wyatt's turn.  Wyatt was long overdue!  He looks so much cuter with very short hair.  I think the short hair makes his blue eyes pop.

We set up Art's computer in the kitchen this time, instead of the dvd player, so he could watch Thomas the Train videos on YouTube, which are very short (4-7min).  We did this b/c giving Wyatt a buzz cut does not take very long, so a 22min video would be superfluous.  Particularly because they boys still needed a bath and it was 7:15pm already.

Wyatt's crazy hair - and cheesy fake smile

Spiderman dropping by for a quick visit, and to watch some Thomas the Train

Handsome new Wyatt!

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Zachary's First (store) Haircut

A Sports Clips (hair cutting place for "guys" that shows sports on big screen tvs while they get their hair cut) was running a promotional this month for a FREE (such a nice word) haircut for first-time visitors.  I decided it would be a good idea to take advantage of this, for Zachary.  I have been cutting Zach & Wyatt's (and Art's) hair at home, but Zach's has been getting a bit more difficult.  He looks so much better with long hair, and I've been having a hard time keeping it long without having it look so shaggy.  So I thought Id get some pointers from a professional.  Zach was NOT HAPPY to have to go to a store to get his hair cut.  He was a trooper though, and after a few pep talks, and a promise to cut it at home next time, he agreed to humor me so I could learn better how to cut his hair nicely.

The plan was to go right after church, since Sports Clips was just a block or so away.  Plus, it expires on Jan 31st, so I was running out of time.  I came prepared with 3 lollipops for Zach, 1 for Wyatt.  At first, they were showing an old football game, but changed it to Nick Jr. so Zach could watch cartoons.

For the record, he hated it, but was very brave.  No whining or crying or much flinching.  I did have to hold his hand during the clippers part, but he did great.

She was very patient and gentle with him - Here he is watching some inane cartoon and going to town on his second lollipop.

He had a look of intense displeasure the entire time, but never really openly complained.  Check out the guy in the background with the LONG hair getting a cut.  He was very patient/generous and never requested that sports be put on instead of whatever crazy cartoon that was.  Secretly, I think he liked it, b/c he did stick around and watch some more of it.  I thanked him for being so patient w/ having cartoons play.

Wyatt got bored sitting with Art (though there was a giant tv there too), and came over to watch Zach get his hair cut.  He chatted the entire time, non-stop, and finally I had to send him back over to Art. Wyatt kept telling everyone that Mommy was going to cut his hair when we got home.  Thanks kiddo! They each got another lollipop (compliments of SportsClips) after Zach was done.  I was very proud of Zach for being so brave and having a good attitude.  When we got in the car he said "Mommy, can we never go there again??"  Clearly he hated it!

Note to parents who plan on giving their kids lollipops during a hair cut.  Make sure you bring wipes with you, because sticky and hair are NOT a great combination.


Potty Training Wyatt - Second Attempt

A few weeks ago, Wyatt had his first attempt at going "cold turkey" from diapers.  He woke up, told us he's never wearing diapers again, and wanted his Buzz Lightyear underwear.  Since Staci did this as a small child, and never went back, we thought we'd encourage him and see what happens.  Well what happened was I took him to the potty about 11 times over the course of the morning while we were at Aldi, PetSmart, and the Y to watch Zach's swim class.  Then, a mere 2 minutes after the last potty attempt, I look over and see Wyatt playing in a puddle of water.  After 3-4 seconds, it occurs to me that we are 30 feet above the pool and there should not be a puddle of water there....Wyatt had finally relieved himself.  Sigh.  Luckily, I was ready for this, and he "cowboy walked" his way to the locker room with me and got changed into a diaper.  After that he tried a few times to do pull-ups only.  Still to no avail.  He has yet to produce anything in the potty.

Today was the second attempt.  He again said "no more diapers, only underwear", and again, we decided to try.  Here he is, proud of his underwear, and strangely, my headband which he likes to use as "goggles" while he swims on the floor.
Wyatt sporting Buzz Lightyear

The result of the 2nd attempt:  15 minutes later, a puddle on the dining room floor.  This failed attempt has led to the proclaimation "no more attempts at no diaper until something has been produced in the potty".  Sigh.  We'll get there.  He has the desire, but no clue yet what his body is doing.  He will often tell us, after us asking if he has #2 in his diaper "no, it's just gas".  One day!


Happy Family

Random pictures of us being happy in the morning before school/work/etc.

Happy Wyatt, Happy parents!

Zach enjoying his cereal

Wyatt at breakfast


Friday, January 28, 2011

ZW taking care of babies

Zachary and Wyatt, more often seen around our house as Spiderman and Superman now each have their own "baby".  This has stemmed from all the talk of what it will be like when our baby is born.  They both do a lot to take care of their babies (varying stuffed animals), including leaving the babies with Mommy to babysit.  This is my favorite because they are always accompanied by a long list of tips, like "be careful of Superman's baby, he has been biting a lot", and "make sure Spiderman baby takes a good nap".  Wyatt will often hold his baby of choice tightly and say that I'd better not hold him (the baby), because he might start to cry.  It's all very cute, and oddly maternal.  Not all of it mind you...they ARE superhero babies after all, so there is a fair amount of fighting bad guys that is required.

Wyatt and Zachary each "taking a nap" with their babies (a blue stuffed bear, and a brown stuffed bear).  These naps lasted about 30-45 seconds each, after which they would bound out of bed for some task, "get tired", and go back to bed for a nap.  This entire storyline occurred while I was in the shower, so Art filled me in and took the picture.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tower Power

This morning, while getting breakfast ready, Art and the boys were busy building towers with blocks in the front room.  There were several cries of "AWWW MAN!", and "RATS!" as things fell down...however, patience prevailed and they ended up with some nice finished pieces.

Wyatt (fake cheesy smile included) and his tower

Art and Zachary's block city

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Monday, January 24, 2011

Boys Pile of Stuff

This morning, like most mornings, we were running a bit late.  As I'm trying to get ready, I hear Zachary tell Wyatt "let's put all the books into a big pile".  Knowing this will be a huge mess, and there is only so much chaos I can take in the morning, I nixed this plan.  Then Zach WHINES about needing to make a big pile of SOMETHING.  With just a few minutes until he would get picked up for preschool carpool, I suggested they make a pile of pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals on Zach's bed.  Luckily, this was accepted with zeal and off they went.  In the meantime, Wyatt decided his footy pjs needed to join the pile, and he took them off by himself.  Here's the boys proud of their final project.

Both happy with the piles


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Art's Sleepover with the Boys

Tonight I had an FBOW meeting.  The boys are always excited when I'm going to leave the house w/out them b/c then they get to build forts, climbing walls, and mess-of-pillows with Art.  This is a HUGE production that involves the mattresses coming off their beds, couch cushions gone, everything.  My only rule is that everything is cleaned up when I get home...I want no evidence of their shenanigans left behind.

Tonight, when I got home, the house was dark, and this is what I found in the living room:

The couch with no cushions

My first thought was "HEY!  He did not finish cleaning up!".  Then, my slow brain (it was about 10deg outside tonight!) remembered that last night, Art promised that he would have a sleepover in Zachary & Wyatt's room tonight.  That would explain the dark house, and seemingly no one (aka Art) awake to greet me.  I stand there in the front room for a moment until I hear snoring, and realize that Art is REALLY asleep in their room.  Here's what I saw when I peeked my head in there:

Art asleep on the floor (presumably on the couch cushions) between Wyatt's bed

and Zachary's bed.

I covered everyone up w/ their blankets, including Art, and got ready for bed.  Art awoke at some point b/f I went to bed, and relocated to our bed.  However, around 4:30am, Zach came into our room, crying.  When I asked what was wrong he says "MOMMY, do you know where DaU is?  He was sleeping in our room and now he's gone!", tears and everything.  Needless to say, Art relocated, again, and spent the next 3 hours sleeping in the boys room.  I woke up, late! (my morning for preschool carpool), at 7:20am, with everyone still sleeping in the boys room...everyone still asleep after my shower, and STILL asleep even after I put breakfast on the table.  The slumber party finally made its way to the table for breakfast at nearly 8am.  Apparently, everyone sleeps better when the 3 boys are in a room together.  Duly noted!

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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sledding Newbies!

Today we finally did it - we finally took the kids sledding.  Last summer, a neighbor was moving away and had unloaded a bunch of their unwanted stuff into the alley, and we picked up two perfectly good sleds - or sledding disks really.  Last year we didn't think the boys would be ready to brave the cold etc to try it (and we had no sleds), but this year we were all excited.  Of course we pick a day that is in the low 20s with a crisp wind.  They lasted much much longer out there than I ever expected - over an hour.  Including a quick stop at the playground b/f heading back to the car.  That ended fairly quickly b/c Zachary hurt his face when he tried to climb UP the slide.  With snow all on the slide.  Not super smart.  I didn't see it happen, but he was out of commission after that.

Both boys did GREAT at sledding.  We went to a little hill first, and I was SHOCKED that Wyatt was willing to try it on his own.  He'd been talking it up for weeks, and when we got there, he kept saying "I don't want to sled", and complaining of the cold (I too felt like complaining - it was bitter).  We had bundled us all up in snow pants, sweatshirts, snow jackets, hats, scarves, and mittens.  Wyatt barely fit in the carseat.

Art and Zach went down the little hill first, each on their own sled.

The inaugural run - Zachary alone and Art alone on the small hill.

Wyatt's first time on a sled, going down the small hill, then surprised by Zach who zooms past

Zachary and Wyatt posing before a run on the little hill

Zach and Wy go down the little hill together...Wyatt a bit more tentative than Zach.

After several runs on the little hill, it was time to move over to bigger and better challenges...the big hill (but not the big big hill, which did not look like it had enough snow on it, though later we saw people sledding down it). What a workout this hill was. It was pretty steep and a bit slippery to get up. I had to carry Zach's disk up the hill, watch them sled down, then WALK (no sledding for pregnant ladies!) down to meet Zach and help him walk back up the hill, me carrying his sled. Art, even more of a workout, had to carry Wyatt up the hill each time. All three of my sledding boys loved loved loved it.

Art and Wyatt, sharing a sled, going down the big hill while Zachary starts walking up it.

This was a pretty big hill, I thought, and was impressed that Zach did it all by himself.  The first few runs, he was pretty nervous, and kept dragging his arms on the ground to slow himself down.  Then I finally got him to stop doing that and he just held on to the disk.  He got a little nervous when he would turn around and end up going backwards for a bit, but after a few runs, he didn't even mind that.  His sled just kept going and going and going.  Art and Wyatt busted a few times, falling out of the sled, with Art on his back, holding Wyatt tightly to his belly.  Art would then slide 10-20 ft on his back.  Wyatt thought the whole thing was hilarious.  He loved going down with Art and kept doing it even after Zach got tired and retreated to the playground.

Art and Wyatt enjoying the sledding disk

A great time had by all! 


Zachary Basketball - Game 2

Today was Zach's second basketball practice and game at the YMCA.  None of the pics I tried to take were any good, so just videos this time.  He still loves it, and is starting to get an inkling of what he should be doing during the game.  He made a few passes this time, and even called out "pass it to ME" a few times, granted, only when his friend from preschool, David, had the ball.  Still, he's getting more comfortable.  Wyatt of course still wants to play on a team, and is distraught that 2yrs is too young to play.  Poor little guy.  Especially since he does have some skills.  One 7yr old boy was watching the young kids game, and during halftime, saw Wyatt practicing and said "Hey, now THAT kid can dribble" (he had been lamenting that none of the 4-5yr olds could dribble during the game - they all just run with the ball). 

Short video of Zach's turn at practice to dribble the ball to the net and shoot. Great shot - SWISH!

Wyatt getting a chance to goof off during Zach's halftime. Both boys getting help from Art to shoot baskets.

Another fun day of basketball.

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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Date Night!

Tonight's Date Night activity was a surprise for Art.  Thanks to the Streetwise magazine, I saw that one of the small comedy clubs in Chicago was doing a play called the Legend of Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet.  I found some seriously discounted tickets through Goldstar, online (paid total of $8 instead of total of $24), and secretly bought them.

The boys were at the Mangrich house tonight, and had it been any other date night, I would have not thought a bit about going into the city.  Unfortunately, today Wyatt gave up his pacifier, so I was very nervous that he would not go to sleep easily and would cry.  I had my phone on my lap the whole play, and texted Steph a few times to make sure all was ok.

Despite my preoccupation with Wyatt's well-being, it was a great time!  A tiny tiny theater, seats about 50 max.  There were about 20 people there.  This was the second to last showing for this play I think.  It was a lot of fun to hear their interpretation of Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet.  Accents were ridiculous, but amusing.  Some mixture of German, Dutch, and general Euro.  Many of the jokes were more German centered, but you'd have to be "in the know" to know.  Lots of stereotypical Dutch stuff though - wooden shoes, tulips, etc...even made a lot of fun of the Dutch Boy Paints.

Art was very pleased with his surprise outing.  I enjoyed it quite a bit!  And bonus, Wyatt did just fine - no crying at all!  WHEW!


Wyatt says goodbye to his Paci

It finally happened.  We told Wyatt that if he chews a hole in this pacifier, his last one, that we could not buy another one.  No more paci once that one got a hole in it.  We told him that they don't make pacis for his age, and that they are bad for his teeth.  This morning he showed us that he could put his finger in the hole in his paci, so we threw it away.  He threw it away actually.  Not a trauma for him at all, but this was before breakfast, and no telling how nap time would go.  I put Zach down for a nap in our bed, so Wyatt would not keep him up if he was crying, etc.  Wyatt had a difficult time for sure.  Nothing like the trauma it was for Zachary - it was his lovey after all!  He whimpered a bit, did a bit of crying, and insisted that he could not go to sleep without his paci.  I got it out of the trash, cut the end off, past the hole, which left just a 1/4" or so on there, and let him have it, in case it would make him feel better to just hold it.  However, since he could not suck on it, he was NOT interested, and put it back in the trash.  What a trooper, throwing his own pacifier in the trash!  I felt so badly for him, but nothing to do.  I did lie down with him in his bed, hoping that would help him go to sleep, but it did not.  He gave it an honest try, and after 2 hours total in his bed, I let him just get up.

This made me VERY nervous about going to bed.  I would not have planned for him to give up his paci TODAY of all days.  Tonight was mine and Art's date night, and the boys were to go to bed at the Mangrich house.  I was so so nervous about how Wyatt would do.  I would have cancelled it totally if we didn't already have tickets to a play.

I warned Steph and apologized profusely...promising to come home immediately if Wyatt would not stop crying.  Turned out I need not worry because he did just fine.  They never heard anything out of him, so if he was whimpering and sad, he was quiet about it.  Plus, I'm sure he was exhausted after no nap.  WHAT A RELIEF!  Again, one of those Wyatt things that, had I known would not be a trauma, I would have done months and months before.  I have to remember that traumatic events for Zachary are not necessarily traumatic for Wyatt.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dexter hiding on Art

Dexter, while a difficult cat most of the time, has brief moments of cuteness.  Here is one caputured via picture and video.  Not a post everyone will love, but I think he's cute.

Dexter hiding/sleeping in Art's arm

16sec video of Dexter sleeping, and Art playing video games


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Good Luck Career Man

Today is Art's first post-PhD interview, for a "real" job.  No more post-doc positions.  Good luck honey!

Art ready for for his interview

Sadly, he went with the brown suit because he got new shoes for Christmas that don't need to be shined, whereas his black shoes are in dire need for shining.


Saturday, January 08, 2011

Wyatt making potty progress

We attempted to start potty training with Wyatt a few months ago, but had a major setback when the "little" potty pinched him.  Now he won't sit on it which is fine, but he has also been afraid of the "big" potty.  We have finally gotten him over that hump and onto the potty - thanks to the help of Smarties.  Here he is, showing off his new skill.  He hasn't produced anything yet, but is more willing to sit there to humor us.

Wyatt happy on the potty (with a privacy airbrush added)


Wyatt knows what's good!

One of my FAVORITE junk foods is from England.  Their cheese puffs called Wotsits.  Staci and Creed brought back 3 bags for me from their stay at Oxford.  WHICH I DON'T HAVE TO SHARE!  However when we got back home from our Georgia/TN sojourn, there was a package for us from our friend Joanna R(f)T...containing another three bags of Wotsits!!  A little slice of heaven!  There was one caveat though, I had to share them with my boys.  So today I did, at lunch.  Wyatt, my cheese lover, liked them as much as I do, apparently

Wyatt licking the inside of the Wotsits bag

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Zachary starts Basketball!

Last season Zach started  his foray into organized sports with indoor soccer at the YMCA.  Now, Zachary has started his first basketball team.  So fun and crazy cute!

Zachary in line for basketball practice (second from the rt)

Zachary's first basketball team!

The kids had a much harder time with basketball than they did with soccer.  They all forget to dribble when they have the ball and just run straight to the goal.

First drill - dribble while standing

Now dribbling AND walking

Zach scores his first bball goal


Friday, January 07, 2011

Out of the Mouth of Babes....

Zachary Michael and Wyatt Carsten are pleased to announce the gender of our Third Musketeer:

We are going out to eat tonight to celebrate a healthy baby. Ultrasound looked great today. The whole family was there to witness and get the gender news. Zachary did NOT want to go out for dinner until he heard he did not have to eat meat. Also of note, Zachary AND Wyatt both wore costumes to the hospital today, in honor of this momentous occasion. Zach was Spiderman and Wyatt was Superman, both old Halloween costumes of Zach's. Unfortunately, Zach's got a hole in it and he had to take it off so Mommy could mend it, which is why he does not have it on for the video. He said the Spiderman shirt would be enough.

Now I need a few months to get my head around it...another boy. To quote Zach "watch out WRESTLING!". Sigh.

The baby will now be referred to, on the blog at least, as BBC3, for Baby Boy Counts 3.  Name suggestions are welcome!  We got two suggestions this morning that will go to the bottom of the list:  From Zachary "Mr. Cat".  From Wyatt "Mommy". 


Thursday, January 06, 2011

Superheros in Evanston

Evanston just got a wee bit safer. Zachary and Wyatt were preparing what they want to wear for tomorrow's ultrasound  appointment, and decided on being Superheros.

Wyatt as Superman, Zachary as Spiderman


Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Leftovers from Christmas 2010

Odd assortment of pictures still in my "not processed" folder over a year after they were actually taken.  I will do my best to give each one a proper explanation.

Faye's very impressive Bananagrams win

Wyatt building a castle at Opa and Oma's

The fam at Cirque de Solei (minus picture-taker Creed)

Same minus Poppi this time

Kitchen prep for Faye's birthday meal

Happy birthday MeMa!

Staci braving the mocking...

to ensure we had chopped onions

Wyatt helping himself to the chip bucket - for dessert perhaps?

Way to go Christmas puzzlers!  That tree was a you all said, since I put less than 10 pieces in

The main puzzlers

Art looking fierce in Wyatt's football helmet

Wyatt proving everyone right - he was built for football

Zachary excited to be a gunslinger

Zach's best "make my day" look

Zachary with mommy attempting to catalog our gifts - yes that IS a fire extinguisher, and yes a shower head - things requested I promise!

For some reason these pics never made it into their own blog, but they are worth sharing nonetheless.  


Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Zach new favorite pullover

Nana found this pullover at the thrift store, and despite it being a size 6, Zachary had to have it right away.  I'm glad he did though, because at the moment he loves Scooby Doo, and who knows if he will in a few years.


Time to say goodbye - BOOO

Today the Chicago Counts have to leave the lovely vacation spot of Leisure Dr and get back to life in the snow.  Here are some pics of the fam getting their last bits of fun in with Zachary and Wyatt before we leave after lunch.

Aunt Staci, Wyatt, MeMa, Zachary destroying the playroom I'd worked to clean

Aunt Staci, Zachary, Wyatt building towers

Zachary with his MeMa

Poppi, Aunt Staci, and Zach having a sword fight

Aunt Staci with her two (so far!) nephews

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Monday, January 03, 2011

Georgia Aquarium

Merry Christmas to Poppi and MeMa from Aunt Joy.  Joy, using her awesome Coke discounts, got tickets for the GA Aquarium for Poppi, MeMa, and Zachary (Wyatt was free, under 3).  The 4 of them spent a few hours looking at all of the wonders there.  Both boys told us about it later and how much they loved it, and all the stuff they saw.  Sounds like a wonderfully fun outing - I was jealous! :)  Here are pics of what they narration, b/c I was not there, but thanks to Poppi & MeMa for taking the pictures!

A fun outing for the four of them.  Thanks Aunt Joy!
