Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Zachary's First (store) Haircut

A Sports Clips (hair cutting place for "guys" that shows sports on big screen tvs while they get their hair cut) was running a promotional this month for a FREE (such a nice word) haircut for first-time visitors.  I decided it would be a good idea to take advantage of this, for Zachary.  I have been cutting Zach & Wyatt's (and Art's) hair at home, but Zach's has been getting a bit more difficult.  He looks so much better with long hair, and I've been having a hard time keeping it long without having it look so shaggy.  So I thought Id get some pointers from a professional.  Zach was NOT HAPPY to have to go to a store to get his hair cut.  He was a trooper though, and after a few pep talks, and a promise to cut it at home next time, he agreed to humor me so I could learn better how to cut his hair nicely.

The plan was to go right after church, since Sports Clips was just a block or so away.  Plus, it expires on Jan 31st, so I was running out of time.  I came prepared with 3 lollipops for Zach, 1 for Wyatt.  At first, they were showing an old football game, but changed it to Nick Jr. so Zach could watch cartoons.

For the record, he hated it, but was very brave.  No whining or crying or much flinching.  I did have to hold his hand during the clippers part, but he did great.

She was very patient and gentle with him - Here he is watching some inane cartoon and going to town on his second lollipop.

He had a look of intense displeasure the entire time, but never really openly complained.  Check out the guy in the background with the LONG hair getting a cut.  He was very patient/generous and never requested that sports be put on instead of whatever crazy cartoon that was.  Secretly, I think he liked it, b/c he did stick around and watch some more of it.  I thanked him for being so patient w/ having cartoons play.

Wyatt got bored sitting with Art (though there was a giant tv there too), and came over to watch Zach get his hair cut.  He chatted the entire time, non-stop, and finally I had to send him back over to Art. Wyatt kept telling everyone that Mommy was going to cut his hair when we got home.  Thanks kiddo! They each got another lollipop (compliments of SportsClips) after Zach was done.  I was very proud of Zach for being so brave and having a good attitude.  When we got in the car he said "Mommy, can we never go there again??"  Clearly he hated it!

Note to parents who plan on giving their kids lollipops during a hair cut.  Make sure you bring wipes with you, because sticky and hair are NOT a great combination.



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