Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Art's Sleepover with the Boys

Tonight I had an FBOW meeting.  The boys are always excited when I'm going to leave the house w/out them b/c then they get to build forts, climbing walls, and mess-of-pillows with Art.  This is a HUGE production that involves the mattresses coming off their beds, couch cushions gone, everything.  My only rule is that everything is cleaned up when I get home...I want no evidence of their shenanigans left behind.

Tonight, when I got home, the house was dark, and this is what I found in the living room:

The couch with no cushions

My first thought was "HEY!  He did not finish cleaning up!".  Then, my slow brain (it was about 10deg outside tonight!) remembered that last night, Art promised that he would have a sleepover in Zachary & Wyatt's room tonight.  That would explain the dark house, and seemingly no one (aka Art) awake to greet me.  I stand there in the front room for a moment until I hear snoring, and realize that Art is REALLY asleep in their room.  Here's what I saw when I peeked my head in there:

Art asleep on the floor (presumably on the couch cushions) between Wyatt's bed

and Zachary's bed.

I covered everyone up w/ their blankets, including Art, and got ready for bed.  Art awoke at some point b/f I went to bed, and relocated to our bed.  However, around 4:30am, Zach came into our room, crying.  When I asked what was wrong he says "MOMMY, do you know where DaU is?  He was sleeping in our room and now he's gone!", tears and everything.  Needless to say, Art relocated, again, and spent the next 3 hours sleeping in the boys room.  I woke up, late! (my morning for preschool carpool), at 7:20am, with everyone still sleeping in the boys room...everyone still asleep after my shower, and STILL asleep even after I put breakfast on the table.  The slumber party finally made its way to the table for breakfast at nearly 8am.  Apparently, everyone sleeps better when the 3 boys are in a room together.  Duly noted!

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Blogger Kristine said...

This is so sweet. And I love the sleeping in late. Did you end up making it for carpool? :)

7:54 PM  

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