Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, January 24, 2011

Boys Pile of Stuff

This morning, like most mornings, we were running a bit late.  As I'm trying to get ready, I hear Zachary tell Wyatt "let's put all the books into a big pile".  Knowing this will be a huge mess, and there is only so much chaos I can take in the morning, I nixed this plan.  Then Zach WHINES about needing to make a big pile of SOMETHING.  With just a few minutes until he would get picked up for preschool carpool, I suggested they make a pile of pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals on Zach's bed.  Luckily, this was accepted with zeal and off they went.  In the meantime, Wyatt decided his footy pjs needed to join the pile, and he took them off by himself.  Here's the boys proud of their final project.

Both happy with the piles



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