Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Zachary Basketball - Game 2

Today was Zach's second basketball practice and game at the YMCA.  None of the pics I tried to take were any good, so just videos this time.  He still loves it, and is starting to get an inkling of what he should be doing during the game.  He made a few passes this time, and even called out "pass it to ME" a few times, granted, only when his friend from preschool, David, had the ball.  Still, he's getting more comfortable.  Wyatt of course still wants to play on a team, and is distraught that 2yrs is too young to play.  Poor little guy.  Especially since he does have some skills.  One 7yr old boy was watching the young kids game, and during halftime, saw Wyatt practicing and said "Hey, now THAT kid can dribble" (he had been lamenting that none of the 4-5yr olds could dribble during the game - they all just run with the ball). 

Short video of Zach's turn at practice to dribble the ball to the net and shoot. Great shot - SWISH!

Wyatt getting a chance to goof off during Zach's halftime. Both boys getting help from Art to shoot baskets.

Another fun day of basketball.

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