Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Date Night!

Tonight's Date Night activity was a surprise for Art.  Thanks to the Streetwise magazine, I saw that one of the small comedy clubs in Chicago was doing a play called the Legend of Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet.  I found some seriously discounted tickets through Goldstar, online (paid total of $8 instead of total of $24), and secretly bought them.

The boys were at the Mangrich house tonight, and had it been any other date night, I would have not thought a bit about going into the city.  Unfortunately, today Wyatt gave up his pacifier, so I was very nervous that he would not go to sleep easily and would cry.  I had my phone on my lap the whole play, and texted Steph a few times to make sure all was ok.

Despite my preoccupation with Wyatt's well-being, it was a great time!  A tiny tiny theater, seats about 50 max.  There were about 20 people there.  This was the second to last showing for this play I think.  It was a lot of fun to hear their interpretation of Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet.  Accents were ridiculous, but amusing.  Some mixture of German, Dutch, and general Euro.  Many of the jokes were more German centered, but you'd have to be "in the know" to know.  Lots of stereotypical Dutch stuff though - wooden shoes, tulips, etc...even made a lot of fun of the Dutch Boy Paints.

Art was very pleased with his surprise outing.  I enjoyed it quite a bit!  And bonus, Wyatt did just fine - no crying at all!  WHEW!



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