Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

October Silly Stuff

The Disneyland photo books arrived today!!

Zachary doing a handstand on vault

Zachary swinging from the high bar (he hates this FYI)

All three boys at the craft table painting

Very crazy. Our new landlord wanted us out by this weekend or not until the end of our lease in Feb, with the option to stay until April. I fully expected us to stay put, but I was diligent and looked at properties. One seemed promising but we were not chosen after we out our application in. Then, as I was emailing our landlords to let them know I had gone to see 13 places and we were staying put, I decided to look one last time at Craigslist. Uh oh, there was a promising property. Separate living and dining rooms (read: space for a playroom), three bedrooms and less than a mile from Apple. I made Art come see this one with the boys and I bc I had a pit-of-my stomach feeling that this was IT. And I was right. It is not perfect, but it is really good for us. We put in an application right then and was accepted on Wednesday at noon. Art called to say that the place was ours if we wanted it. I cried a bit then started assembling boxes for us to move on Sunday. 3.5 days away!!!  What??  Dad agreed to fly out on Friday to help out - keeping the boys entertained. Also we had gotten our wires crossed with Karl and Laura, thinking they were showing up the next week when really they showed up that Saturday. They were both a HUGE help. Karl is a machine and can work and work and work. We could not have done it without the tremendous help of family and our church family. We had people come over to help pack, to take the boys so I could pack! help us move on Saturday, help us move on Sunday, and help unpack on Sunday. Amazing,  such generosity with last minute notice!

Mommy and Yannick enjoying oranges from the tree in our backyard!

Saturday night before the big move. The bunk beds were already at the new house and assembled (Poppi!) 

Our family of 5 all slept on mattresses in the boys room the last night. So strange to have the room emptied!

Poppi already set up in the guest room. He was originally only going to stay a week, but after I panicked a bit he agreed to stay another week. He did everything for the boys - school pick up and drop off (at their current school. We don't want to move them until after Halloween) so I could concentrate on unpacking. The result was that we were more settled in our new place in two weeks than we were in our old place in 8 months. Pictures in the wall and able to park in the garage!!  Thanks Dad!

Poor guy had to borrow my sunglasses when he could not find his and it was time to pick up ZW from school


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