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Monday, September 16, 2013

Poppi visit: non-Disney

Art had a ten day trip to China scheduled, and Poppi agreed to come out to help out with the boys.  He arrived the day before Art was to leave.  Art and I agreed that we could take the boys out of school for a day to do something fun and educational - aquarium maybe?  Then, almost as a lark, on Saturday, an hour before Art left, and as Poppi was headed out the door to a highschool reunion in Napa, I suggested we drive down to Disneyland.  Art was ok with us going to Disney for the first time without him, partly because he thought it would be awful - the long lines, the complaining from the boys, etc.  Shocked that this could be a reality, I got to work making it happen.  This was Saturday morning, and we decided to leave Monday.  EEK!!  So.Much.To.Do.  :)   But that is for a separate post, this post is for some fun stuff with did with Poppi before we went on our trip.

Hanging out at the park

Wyatt and Zachary trying to "beat up" Poppi who can still fend two off at the same time!

Poppi attempting to interact with Zachary by having Z use his finger to work the iPad 

Off to Rancho San Antonio

Big pigs!

ZWY with the horse skeleton

horse skeleton

slide at church

slide at church II


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