Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, January 07, 2011

Out of the Mouth of Babes....

Zachary Michael and Wyatt Carsten are pleased to announce the gender of our Third Musketeer:

We are going out to eat tonight to celebrate a healthy baby. Ultrasound looked great today. The whole family was there to witness and get the gender news. Zachary did NOT want to go out for dinner until he heard he did not have to eat meat. Also of note, Zachary AND Wyatt both wore costumes to the hospital today, in honor of this momentous occasion. Zach was Spiderman and Wyatt was Superman, both old Halloween costumes of Zach's. Unfortunately, Zach's got a hole in it and he had to take it off so Mommy could mend it, which is why he does not have it on for the video. He said the Spiderman shirt would be enough.

Now I need a few months to get my head around it...another boy. To quote Zach "watch out WRESTLING!". Sigh.

The baby will now be referred to, on the blog at least, as BBC3, for Baby Boy Counts 3.  Name suggestions are welcome!  We got two suggestions this morning that will go to the bottom of the list:  From Zachary "Mr. Cat".  From Wyatt "Mommy". 



Blogger christy said...

Awesome! Congrats! Ian suggests 'whoooooo'. But he suggests that for everything. :)

3:44 PM  

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