Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wyatt says goodbye to his Paci

It finally happened.  We told Wyatt that if he chews a hole in this pacifier, his last one, that we could not buy another one.  No more paci once that one got a hole in it.  We told him that they don't make pacis for his age, and that they are bad for his teeth.  This morning he showed us that he could put his finger in the hole in his paci, so we threw it away.  He threw it away actually.  Not a trauma for him at all, but this was before breakfast, and no telling how nap time would go.  I put Zach down for a nap in our bed, so Wyatt would not keep him up if he was crying, etc.  Wyatt had a difficult time for sure.  Nothing like the trauma it was for Zachary - it was his lovey after all!  He whimpered a bit, did a bit of crying, and insisted that he could not go to sleep without his paci.  I got it out of the trash, cut the end off, past the hole, which left just a 1/4" or so on there, and let him have it, in case it would make him feel better to just hold it.  However, since he could not suck on it, he was NOT interested, and put it back in the trash.  What a trooper, throwing his own pacifier in the trash!  I felt so badly for him, but nothing to do.  I did lie down with him in his bed, hoping that would help him go to sleep, but it did not.  He gave it an honest try, and after 2 hours total in his bed, I let him just get up.

This made me VERY nervous about going to bed.  I would not have planned for him to give up his paci TODAY of all days.  Tonight was mine and Art's date night, and the boys were to go to bed at the Mangrich house.  I was so so nervous about how Wyatt would do.  I would have cancelled it totally if we didn't already have tickets to a play.

I warned Steph and apologized profusely...promising to come home immediately if Wyatt would not stop crying.  Turned out I need not worry because he did just fine.  They never heard anything out of him, so if he was whimpering and sad, he was quiet about it.  Plus, I'm sure he was exhausted after no nap.  WHAT A RELIEF!  Again, one of those Wyatt things that, had I known would not be a trauma, I would have done months and months before.  I have to remember that traumatic events for Zachary are not necessarily traumatic for Wyatt.



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