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Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Leftovers from Christmas 2010

Odd assortment of pictures still in my "not processed" folder over a year after they were actually taken.  I will do my best to give each one a proper explanation.

Faye's very impressive Bananagrams win

Wyatt building a castle at Opa and Oma's

The fam at Cirque de Solei (minus picture-taker Creed)

Same minus Poppi this time

Kitchen prep for Faye's birthday meal

Happy birthday MeMa!

Staci braving the mocking...

to ensure we had chopped onions

Wyatt helping himself to the chip bucket - for dessert perhaps?

Way to go Christmas puzzlers!  That tree was a you all said, since I put less than 10 pieces in

The main puzzlers

Art looking fierce in Wyatt's football helmet

Wyatt proving everyone right - he was built for football

Zachary excited to be a gunslinger

Zach's best "make my day" look

Zachary with mommy attempting to catalog our gifts - yes that IS a fire extinguisher, and yes a shower head - things requested I promise!

For some reason these pics never made it into their own blog, but they are worth sharing nonetheless.  



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