Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, April 19, 2013

Spring Break - last day

So I was planning on going to MOPS today until I found out that the in-the-park meeting was with no childcare. Recalculating day - I decided to spend the last day of spring break with Z instead of going to the park trying to chat w/ strangers. We had a low key day doing some fun stuff.
It started off benignly enough with Zachary and Wyatt unloading the dishwasher and me working in the kitchen while we listened to music on iTunes. Then, iTunes played Cha Cha slide, which we all practiced for about a month when we were going to perform it for Poppi's birthday, and it turned into dance party kitchen. Then Yannick's favorite "Highway to the Danger Zone" from the movie Top Gun, though he only says "highway to da" over and over; no danger zone mentioned.

After dance party, I meanly made the big boys get dressed and brush their teeth. Here are their clothing mishaps when they tried to put their pants on MORE instead of take them off.

Zachary attempting to both pull his pants off and hold his shirt up

And crazy Wyatt who started all this by asking where his pj pants "go" (under his pillow, in the dirty clothes, etc - he can never seem to deduce this!)

Then the big boys got a little screen time watching Word Girl (most annoying theme song: word up, it's word girl) while I played "go"s with Yannick. Outside for snacks

Two boys had fruit gummies at the kids table. We also used this time to do some FaceTime chatting w/ our friends Morgan & Maya (and their mom Stephanie too of course!) We called them at not the best time, while they were about to take a nap, but we got a few minutes in.

I was able to carve out just a few minutes to lie down in the hammock and relax until the inevitable someone getting hurt.

I thought we were then headed off on a bike ride, but Zachary vehemently opposed it, so we just took a little trip down to the playground. We brought the gamut of tennis rackets and balls just in case a court was open, but it never is. sheesh people. Played on the playground for a bit. Wyatt was being a lion, and named himself Meat, because he likes to eat meat. :) Also kicked the playground ball around with Z a bit before heading home for lunch. In an odd twist, all three boys wanted "cheese pasta" (mac and cheese for the rest of us), and all voted to eat lunch outside. Surprise was that they opted for the tables instead of a picnic blanket. Fine w/ me, just an oddity.

Then nap time...lovely rest and nap time. I think Yannick is finally decided to keep his bed in toddler position. Which worked out great when he woke up 2+ hrs later, in a panic, thinking a pickup truck was in his room (there was a week wacker outside revving up). Zachary, Wyatt, and I were playing UNO, and we hear screaming and running down the hall. Poor little guy! it was a bit humorous to hear him running down the hall saying "PICKUP COMING ME". And saddy.

I totally won at Uno, as an aside. Z finally got the concept of saying Uno before the other person when they only had one card, and was like an Uno bird of prey, stalking, waiting, ready. Poor Wyatt, so close to winning, many many times, and made to draw two cards. :) Fun!

Last bit of screen time - Wild Kratts! Then off to Zachary's soccer shooting clinic, put on by the AySO. Two guys from his team, and one guy from his first grade class were there, so he had a good handful of buddies. After the clinic, he said, so humbly, "I just can't figure out if I'm better at offense or defense, but I do know I liked the dribbling clinic better than the shooting one". Two little guys and I went to the grocery store whilst Z was at the clinic. Purchased: tortellini, pizza (for tonight's dinner - Art has a dinner w/ work folks), and a giant umbrella for our patio table. Score, super cheap, but seems nice/good quality. We shall see.

To cap the day off, we watched part of Cars (Yannick got to pick this time, and he chose "Race Gos") while we ate our pizza. Bible stories, prayers, and off to bed!

Yannick apparently hurt his leg somehow before dinner. He complained of it a bit then, but no visible owies. Then after going to bed nicely, he started screaming and pointed to his leg. I had to hold him in our room for awhile until he was able to fall asleep. poor guy!

Tomorrow: soccer and HAIR CUTS (not a popular decision).

Oh yes, I forgot that my morning started too early with W crawling into bed to borrow my phone to "look at pictures", which turned into "taking 72 pictures". :)


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