Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, April 08, 2013

Oma and Opa visit - Monday

We actually did it; we were able to leave the house when we said we wanted to, at 930am...a bit before actually. However, we forgot the phone car charger, the ipad, and a few books. Zachary chose skipping school (though very nearly chose to go to school!) so he could come with the rest of us in the minivan to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. It is a longish drive for an outing - about an hour and 1/2 door to door, but we think it is worth it. It is a smallish aquarium which means you could see most of it in 3 hours. This trip we found a great great lunch spot indoors in case it is ever raining, or just too cold (like today) to sit outside with our picnic lunch. The newest addition to the Aquarium since we were there last was the Otters. We waited until the very end to see them, but it was worth it. So cute! they have 3 female otters. Unlike other zoos, this one tells you the names of the animals and a bit about the personality of them. Not every animal, but the penguins, otters, etc. We started off at the jellyfish because that is Art's favorite, then off to the seahorses (one of my favs). Always interesting to watch video of the MALE seahorses giving birth. At the Open Sea exhibit we finally got to see not one, but two sea turtles. So fun! Of course we saw the hammerhead shark - a favorite of our boys and us. We also got to watch the always-interesting fish school swarm. Around and around in circles. We also saw the octopus out from its hiding place, attached to the glass of its tank. You could see the suckers up close, which Zachary did not want to see because it looked gross. He did not want to think about how it would feel if the suckers were on him, and the mark they would leave. Just now asked the boys which parts were their favorite. Wyatt says he liked the Sheep Crab which we had not seen before. It was quite large. Larger than a head. Zachary says to make sure I write about him getting to touch the rays this time. They were doing a ray feeding to get the shy rays closer to the edges. Wyatt was not quite tall enough to reach the rays. Next time! Yannick fell asleep shortly after lunch, and slept the rest of the time in the aquarium. The penguins were a hit again, though the kids were bummed we did not let them go to the kids play area next to the penguin. We were running out of time in the meter, and everyone was getting tired. We were already going to be late returning the rental van. So after we saw the otters we headed out to the car, weary but happy.

We took CA1 back towards Santa Cruz, and stopped somewhere in Salinas to get some cheap fruit! Can't beat 10 grapefruit for $1. The strawberries were about the best ever. Rivaled only by the ones we picked in KY. Grapes, cuties, cucumber, tomatoes.

Once we got back, Art left immediately with two sleeping kids in the van, to go return it. I followed to pick them up after I called PG&E because OUR POWER WAS OUT!! According to our neighbor, it had been out since morning, and she had called at 1pm. It was now nearly 4pm. Uggh.

At the return we had some drama because we were late. They charged us for a full second day instead of an hourly rate. It was unpleasant, and they finally did reduce the charge, but it was still way too expensive. Honestly, it was too expensive when I checked it out, with all the hidden fees being different from what Travelocity listed. A $95/day rate ended up being $165 when I checked it out, and over $200 by the time we returned it. Crazy. we will not be renting from Fox again.

THEN, the day not over yet, we get back, and I have to immediately get Z ready for a soccer clinic. I wanted to skip it, being tired, but Art pushed for it, arguing I would enjoy a little break, an hour to myself in the car while Z had his clinic. Art was right. It was relaxing, and Z loved it. While we were at the clinic Art and his parents got dinner ready. No power, so everything on the grill. Yum! Once the sun went down, it was not only time for bed for the kids, but all the adults too. Arts parents had to pack up their suitcases by light of an electric lantern. No power = no heat at night, and the house got down to 62deg. brrr


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