Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, April 13, 2013

A Garden in the Garden!

While we were in Germany, all people in Europe called the "back yard" a "garden". I got used to it there, and called anyone's green space, or yard, etc, a garden. Once we moved to Evanston, I got out of the habit, and just called it a yard again. Now, living in Cupertino, we are among many internationals, including our wall-sharing neighbors, who are from Jordan. They all refer to the play area/sitting space/grass in the back as the "garden". This confused Zachary who thinks of a garden as a place to grow veggies. Well now we have both! We are a bit late for this area, but we'll see what happens. We made a trip to Home Depot, got the organic veggie garden soil (a 3 cubic foot bag was on sale), three tomato plants, three tomato cages (each a different color of course), green peppers, cucumbers, raspberry, watermelon, onion, and carrot plants. Well the carrot is just seeds, so we'll see about that. Art had gotten the raised bed ready while the boys (and I!!) napped, so that when we brought our goodies home, $65 poorer, we were ready to plant. Each boy has their own (color coordinated!!) spade and watering can. Thank you Target $1 bins! Zachary got 3, Wyatt got 3, and Yannick did not care until it was time to water.

first the boys had to fill their areas with the organic veggie soil.

Zachary breaking holes in the garden soil bag with his red, of course, spade.


DaU working on digging the holes for the plants to go.

That part was fairly boring for the other two boys who just played around, but when it was time to put the plants in the ground, they were a bit more into it.

Here is where Zach has chosen to put his three plants. Now he is waiting for his red tomato cage

Wyatt has selected where his three plants should go, put his orange tomato cage up, and is now ready to water.

Once it was time to water, WATCH OUT, they were all ready to go!

Oh no Yannick don't dump that on yourself!

Too late, now his pants are soaked! At least he enjoyed it!

Hopefully all three boys will enjoy being "farmers" again this year. They have all already gotten used to going to the neighbors to pick oranges from their tree, and now it is no big deal to them, whereas I still find it exciting to pick fruit right from the trees. We have a fig tree and an apple tree in our back yard (our garden), so we will hopefully get some good stuff from them too. we need to treat the apple tree w/ something otherwise all the apples will be full of bugs, or so our neighbors tell us. Looking forward to all this "farm to table" food.


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