Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

April random moments

Some random moments so far in April that don't need their own post dedicated to them.

Wyatt and Yannick in the "go" (Nick's word for 'car') cart.

Yannick in the back yard on the big wheel

A favorite of mine - Wyatt with "naked feet" in the back yard

My little guy helping bring the recycling to the bin outside - with his shades of course!

The next set are a few from the playground. Why do they want to swing swing swing when I want them to run run run?

Wyatt does not look so comfy here!

And more silliness:

I love that W and Y are playing "guys" together, but love love love that Y is wearing his brother's cleats to stand there and reach the top of the toy cabinet.

Here is Zachary preparing for his starring role as "ben the bear" in our one-time performance of "Happy Birthday Aunt Staci: the story of our new neighbor Ben". A must-see production!

W and N trying out different costumes. We had seen Incredibles the night before (as a pre-birthday celebration for Yannick who LOVES "JackJack baby"), so W had to be in full costume after breakfast.

These next three are from Yannick's birthday. Z and W have always loved having balloons dumped on them in bed for their birthdays. N decidedly did NOT enjoy it. So here are the bigger boys enjoying the balloon creations (hats and swords) I made for them.

Today Zachary had a playdate with his friend Pranai from school. Pranai mostly just wanted to play with legos, and specifically building minifigures from the head/hats/helmet/body/legs pieces we have. Here are Wyatt and Yannick trying to get in on the action too.

Looks like a horrible storm trooper slaying has occurred!

Yannick spent most of the time trying to get me to put hats or helmets on R2D2, but none of them fit...then he saw Wyatt's great idea, and joined in himself.

And last for this mid-April recap, an update on Yannick's hair. Oh yes, it is still going (or growing) strong, even though his 2nd birthday has come and gone. Art issued a proclamation that no child of ours would get a haircut before his 2nd birthday. Which was on Sunday. And i still can't get him to agree to cut these out-of-control locks. :) Art loves that he looks like a lion's mane. And the fact that it's so short in front and on the sides, giving him a decidedly mullet look adds to Art's fun. Sigh.


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