Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Finally a good gymnast in the family

It was never meant to be me....but it might be Wyatt! He really loves his gymnastics class! I really love that it is at the community center just 6 houses down from us that we can walk to! And I love that he loves gymnastics. He can't wait until he can learn a back flip (he means a back handspring). Art and I have down some major spotting with the older boys on back handsprings, but it's been awhile. We'll need to start that up again.

Here is Wyatt rocking the spider-walk-to-handstand skill.

He is quite proud of this.  Zachary cannot do it, which helps of course.  I am not sure I can...I will have to try it.  They walk their feet up the wall and then hold the pose for 10 seconds.  A bunch of 4/5 yr olds yelling 1-10 is pretty cute.

In this picture the kids have to jump over the bean bags on the high beam. Pretty scary. However, I did have an ulterior motive for this picture. Wyatt has a set of triplets in his class. They were there last session too. The are cute cute...particularly because they all three wear little tutus to class. I was trying to get a pic with all three of them to show a friend of mine (Julie), but I could only get these 2 without looking like a crazy stalker. :)

And after gymnastics, there always needs to be a bit of cuddling in the hammock!

Of course once the camera is brought out, Wyatt can't help but want to take pictures too. One of what he is looking at

Here is part of our little back yard with the castle we got for free from the Castellini family.

And next a picture of one of Wyatt's most favorite parts of his body.

The boy is as obsessed with his belly as Zachary is with his billa! :) Wyatt always says what a good plump belly he has. I like this picture because you can see the sun rays.


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