Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Spring Break! Day 2, part 2

Fun time with the big boys...cut short due to soccer practice. We managed to get one of the 4 elements in Forbidden Island bf we had to stop the game.

What is left of the island in Forbidden Island.

After soccer practice, a quick dinner and clean up, it was time for a SLEEPOVER!!  I don't mind sleepovers because I get to go to sleep by 9pm, even if the evening isn't productive.  Tonight Art started the evening in Wyatt's bed, telling the Little Bird, Pipe, and Wyatt story.  I was asked earlier this week to start the evening in Zach's bed, but then he changed that to "can you just stand up by my bed until I go to sleep?"  Ummm.  No.  So I started the evening where I finished it, on the mattress on the floor.  I have to wear two layers of pjs bc I always get cold on the floor.  So the sleepover is a good occassion to bring out my adult size footie jammies.  that's right footie jammies.  usually Yannick is thrilled when we are both wearing our footie pjs, but tonight, he was not wearing those kind.  Art told the story, the kids all participated and laughed, and then all of a sudden everyone was asleep except me...laying there listening to all the sleep noises of all the boys in that room.  What was louder snorer, Art or a stuffy Yannick?  Hard to tell.  At some point in the night, Art made his way down to the mattress on the floor.  It must be said for posterity that originally W did not want Art in his bed because "DaU is too stinky". :)  Poor DaU.

Here are some pictures that Wyatt took w/ my phone the next morning, just before 7am. Yannick in his Thomas pjs, and poor mommy trying to catch a few more Zzzzz


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