Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, April 15, 2013

Spring Break! Day 1

When talking to Z about what his ideal for his spring break is, he says "stay home and play with my toys". So that is exactly what we did today. The big boys stayed in their pjs all day. By the end of the day I had to say to to Zachary "so when you said stay home all day, you literally meant stay home every moment" I could not get that boy to leave the house. Not to go to the playground, not to go on a bike ride, nothing! Sheesh. He went outside in the back yard for a little bit, deemed it too cold (I had to agree, 65deg is the new cold!), and headed back in. He was also super tired. He actually fell asleep during rest time, and slept for over 1.5hrs. That rarely happens!

This picture occurred later in the afternoon after all the naps and snacks were done. It is always nice to see all three boys playing nicely together!


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