Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, April 19, 2013

Finally home (at least for the Boys' room)

I never feel like a place is home until you get all your pictures etc on the wall. Well, the boys finally got their wall stickers up again, so they, at least, are finally "home". The rest of the house has some work to do!

The wall by Wyatt's bed

The wall above Zachary's bed

The wall above Yannick's bed

The cute blue and green circle stickers I put all along the folding closet doors. However, I deleted the picture from my photo stream and can't figure out how to get it from the phone back to the photo stream.

Speaking of Yannick's bed. We go back and forth with him wanting the side up, and wanting it down. He has not fully transitioned to the "toddler" part of his bed, but he is getting there. I don't mind if he does, as long as he stays in his bed for night and naps. He has done just fine so far. Yesterday, he startled me when he suddenly walked into the guest room where we all were, me wrapping presents, and the big boys at the craft table. Not used to him having free reign. So far so good!


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