Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday Yannick Arthur Counts!!

Our little guy has had an extended birthday celebration! He has gotten so much attention that he now says "my birfday", and "I turn 2!" with zeal. It is all very cute.

It started Saturday night, before his birthday. We watched the movie The Incredibles and ate pizza. He for some reason, loves "JackJack baby", despite never having seen the movie (we have a toy and some books w/ JackJack). So we thought he would enjoy it. He watched the entire movie which is saying's pretty long!

Everyone in their spots for movie time!  Yummy deli pizza and veggies.

That night, Art and I spent a considerable amount of time blowing up some balloons.  Each year Art's tradition is to dump balloons into the bed of the birthday boy as they are waking up.  We forgot about it until the very last moment before bed, so there we were blowing up balloons and decorating Yannick's chair.  I even made some balloon animals and balloon swords for something a bit different.

Morning of his birthday came too early, as it often does.  We quickly ran in to get the balloons ready to dump on him....only it was not the big hit it was for the other two boys.  He smiled a bit at the attention, but was not thrilled with the balloons.  He avoided the balloons for the rest of the day, and I had to keep them out of his room.

However, the big boys enjoyed some time with the balloons.

After the big boys played with balloon swords for a bit, it was time for breakfast. I made blueberry muffins with a chocolate chip heart for Yannick and a chocolate chip smiley face for Z and W. Poor mommy and DaU got no such nice treatment. We put a #2 candle in the muffin and sang to our big guy.
After breakfast we had a bit of time to play before our next fun thing - going to McD for lunch and playplace. It was pretty hot out there. In fact, Art left his phone in the sun, and got a temperature sensor warning message. Good thing it didn't get fried!
We were hoping that Yannick would fall asleep in the car on the way home. We needed him to take an early nap so that we could go to Pump It Up at 2pm. One of Z's classmates had her birthday party there, with siblings invited, so we decided it would be a good opportunity to 1) meet some of the parents in Z's class, and 2) go to PIU for free...perhaps Nick would think it was for his birthday! :) Back to the drive home, NO, he did not fall asleep. We put him in bed when we got home, but he never fell asleep. So of course he fell asleep in the car on the way to Pump It Up. He stayed asleep in the stroller for the first 30 minutes or so. I felt terrible that he was missing all the fun. But he awoke with plenty of time for play!

Art enjoying himself on the obstacle course!

Boys in the basketball jumpy place with DaU

Yannick in the cute car

Oh my word this one scared me. Yannick was loving going down the big slide, but only with Mom and DaU. So this one I went down, and turned around to take a picture of him going down with Art, and then to my surprise, he went down by himself. Eek!! After that, he only wanted to go by himself! He's too little!

After much much much fun on the slides and obstacle courses, we went into the party room for pizza and cake. We let Yannick sit on the birthday's is his birthday after all!

The birthday boy!

After the party we had to beat it to church, then off to a cookout at Shea & Julie's house which went pretty well despite Yannick only getting a 45min nap. We left there late and piled everyone into bed. We knew we would have a family party for him once presents from the family arrived, we just did not know when we would have it. Turned out that with the schedule, Thursday night worked well. It also happened to be the first night for date night swap with the J. family. So Yannick's buddies Tobin, Zoe, and Ezra were there too to help him eat his brownie (which he did not even like!) and watch him open his presents.

And finally , I believe the last of the presentz.  On Friday night, , our neighbors brought over a a gift bag for Yannick birthday with a Thomas the Train helium balloon. All the boys were busy watching a movie and eating pizza. Art had a work dinner and was going to be late. so I did not even show Yannick the bag until the morning. Saturday morning, he got to open it, and we discovered that Naila had packed a present for ALL the boys!! So generous!! Yannick got shark jammies (sorry Staci!), and a train from the Thomas series, Charlie. They also gave Wyatt some pokemon action figure, and Zachary a very cool lego set. Way too much! So grateful! That ought to do it for his birthday celebrations...though he keeps asking "birfday party?". :)

Yannick was especially excited to get a card from Aya.  He is quite infatuated with her...probably because she actually plays with him and does not boss him around.  He loves aya!


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