Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Big Saturday

As always for awhile, we all tromped off to the soccer game - go Lasers. Zachary was in good form today. He is really starting to get the flow of the game and how to be in position for upcoming plays. He even scored 2 goals today!!

Today we were hoping to get a babysitter to join another couple for a dinner of Korean BBQ. Did not happen, so we just had a family-centric day. Relaxing in the hammock, off to have snack at the playground, home for dinner, and then....big day for Yannick...haircuts!! Yea good weather and an outside outlet. makes the clean up so much easier.

A reenactment on my part, of Art and I napping in the hammock.  I merely dozed while he full on fell asleep complete with snores...uh, I mean concentrated breathing.

Then we all played outside for a bit. I think the big boys woke Yannick up with their four square, and loudness, because he took a woefully short nap. Never a good sign for the evening. First, he nicely came and cuddled with me in the hammock, but then threw a temper tantrum because I would not let him play on my phone.

The hilarious thing about this tantrum is that he kicked and screamed for a bit until he realized just how lovely it is to be in the grass and looking up at the sky shaded by the apple tree in our yard. After that he had to work hard at staying mad. He would cry, then just lay there and enjoy it, then remember he was mad. That went on for a good while. Finally we had enough and rounded them all up to go to the playground.
Zachary only wanted to play soccer. Wyatt only wanted to prowl around the baby playground, pretending to be a lion named "Meat", because, he said, he likes meat, and Yannick spent the first bit of time on the rocket. After awhile, Art, Zachary, Wyatt and I had a massive soccer game going while Yannick played hide-and-seek in the bushes. Then W and I took a break to play baseball, and a few tickle pits. Enjoyable all around!

Our little guy on the Rocket

We have such clear memories of Zachary riding the Rocket at this age as well. W was not as enthralled with it and did not ride it as much.

After dinner, finally time for HAIRCUTS! I put Curious George on the portable DVD player, and got everyone set up outside. Zachary on the stool and Yannick in his chair. I tried to do them at the same time so Yannick would not be scared. Bad mom, did not take ANY pictures of the process, but got some (not so great) after pictures. yannick did great...did not love it, but was ok with it. I did not use the clippers on him, but just scissors. I did not want to cut too much; we wanted it long and to save as many curls as we could without him looking like he has a mullet!

Since I did not get great before and after pics, I waited until Sunday to take the pictures of them all. Art also got his hair cut by stylist Shayna, but was spared a picture of himself.

We are both pleased with the outcome of Yannick's hair. We kept a lot of the curl but he no longer looks ridiculous. Art's cousin Annemieke commented that he "looks all business in the front and all party in the back" :)


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