Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, June 05, 2013

First Grade Picnic

Some things you think you should do for your kids and it turns out to be a great time for all.  Other things you do for them and wonder - would they have noticed if I did not do this?  Today was one of the latter scenarios.  Zachary (and I, to be honest) had been looking forward to his first grade picnic for days and days.  I was planning on taking the two younger boys and was putting a "bit" of pressure on Art to come.  Luckily, he was able to get away.  I picked Art up at work, after a grueling bootcamp workout, and headed to the park across the street from the school.  The kids all brought their lunches, and I brought lunch for our boys, then they got to play at the park.

Some of Zachary's buddies:  from left- Shammak, Aidan (his best buddy at Steven's Creek), Zachary, Pranai, and Wyatt.  Yannick was there too, but walking around with his lunch.

After Zachary was done eating, he took off to play Four Square, and we never talked to him or his friends again.  We chatted with his teacher, Mrs. Kemp.  It was quite amusing to hear that she finds four square to be one of the most annoying playground games.  She was shocked to hear that no kids played four square in Evanston.  WHAT?!?  She said she would not let the kids bring a ball to the park so they would play other things, but someone else brought a ball, and her attempt to thwart four square failed.

After it was clear that Zachary may not have even noticed that we were there, we packed up and took Art back to work.  Z said he was glad we came, but I wonder if he would have noticed if we had not shown up.  

Oddly, his best bud at Steven's Creek, Aidan, does not really like four square, and rarely plays it during recess.  So interesting for them to be best buds yet still have different interests.  How mature. :)

Later in the afternoon, I played some Sequence for Kids (thanks Nana!) with the boys.  It is always fun to sit down and play board games with them.
We played four games.  Zachary and I each won once, and Wyatt won twice.


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