Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Lazy Day!

Today, after getting Art off to work and Z off to school, it was a lazy morning.  The H family and us just hung around the house playing a bit until about 11:15.  They wanted to have lunch with Art and see Apple, but he had to have an early lunch at 11:30.  We did our usual which was me watching the kids while they ate their lunches I packed for them, and the adults (with Eliana) went to get food from the cafe.  The MacCafe gets a lot of publicity for being so good, and for once, I have to agree.  Apple puts out a super tasty spread for super cheap.  And everything you eat off of (if to-go) is compostable.  I stayed with the kids so they could intersperse running around wild with taking bites of their lunches. Art showed them around a bit, including the cool trees in the lobby, the visitor entrance that is on some tour bus stops where someone is always taking a picture of the "Apple 1 Infinite Loop" sign.

Here is my attempt to capture the kids on film

Only J attempting to cooperate.  And yes, Wyatt is wearing baseball pants.  I think he wanted to have on the same colors as Joaquin.  OR, all his athletic pants are in the laundry.  Side note, I was SOOOO  relieved to meet another kid who is obsessed with athletic pants, and wants to wear nothing else.  Zachary's aversion to jeans and pants is trying at times.

Then off to the store to buy sundries for the BIG LASAGNE BAKE OFF!  WHAT you say??  Next blog entry will give the details. 

First though, is the only pitiful attempt at taking another picture of our lovely friends.  What in the world happened to me - my picture taking desire vanished!

Yup, that's it.  One terrible blurry picture of Eliana and Yannick near each other, the cute thing they were doing is over.  Sheesh.


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