Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Yannick's class

Nick has been wanting his own class.  He talks about Wyatt's gymnastics class being on Thursday, and how his class is on Tuesday.  I didn't think he would care WHAT his class was for, as long as he got a class that was his.  This is not entirely correct.  Today we went to the library for toddler story time.  We have only been one other time, because the class meets at the same time as Wyatt's gymnastics class.  However, since Wyatt is done with gymnastics until the fall, we now have the time available for other things.

Yannick was very into the class at first.  Most intrigued by his name tag necklace.  He was clapping and listening for a bit until he realized that Wyatt was not with us, then it was all over.  He did not want to stay with the group, he wanted to go look at books with Wyatt.  I kept reminding him that this is HIS CLASS, but no luck.  He was done!

Here he is during some of the interacting part of the class.
Happy and attentive, but just briefly.

After that we looked at other books until the story time was over and they brought out the toys...then he was keen to get back into the group. :)

All the time at the library must have inspired him to spend more time with his books.  He was unable to put his book down, even while being changed.

Nutty kid.  Preparing himself to spend long periods of time in the bathroom with a good book! :)


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