Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Sunday, June 02, 2013

Sunday lazy days

MSince I was not feeling great today, we mostly just stayed around the house.  Art took the boys to the park while I made lunch, but that was about it.

In the morning, Art and Yannick started a "car train".  Both Z and W wanted to join in as well.  They took it out of the playroom, down the hall, into their room and out the door.
Working hard to get it long enough to their room

Where it started in the playroom into the foyer

Down the hall

Into the bedroom and out the door

And down the steps to pose for a few pictures

Happy with the car train!

After every major project is of course a major clean up.  Each boy got a laundry basket.  Whoever got the most cars in their basket got some jelly beans.  Of course they all worked so hard they all got jelly beans, but Zachary got the most and got some extra jelly beans.  :)

Two of the three cleaner-upers.

By this point I am really not feeling well, so I stay home from church and Art takes the boys.  However, midway through the service, I got a text that they were bringing Yannick down because they think he was getting sick.  Turns out they were right!  He had a fever of 101 something, and was very unhappy. poor little guy.  he put himself to bed, missed dinner, woke up near bedtime, got some milk and some medicine and went back to sleep!

Editor's note: Nick ended up with Hand Mouth and Foot disease and broke out on his hands, feet, legs, etc, with little non-itchy bumps.  He also got some sores in his mouth which made it difficult for him to eat (painful).  Not a great time.


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