Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Great Lasagne Bake Off

I have to start by saying we are terrible friends.  Why anyone wants to hang out with me I don't know.  Last night when we were chatting with Daniel and Bethany, the subject of favorite foods was brought up, and Art of course has a crazy love affair with lasagne.  Which made B say she makes an excellent lasagne, which prompted D to say he thinks his might be slightly better.  So they argue, which is fun, and then I suggest they each make one, and we'll vote to see whose is better.  AND THEY AGREE!!  Crazies!

So today after lunch with Art, we head to Lucky, the grocery store, and let them pick out their ingredients.  Daniel at this point is feeling the heat of competing against his wife, and is asking a bunch of questions regarding spiciness, feelings about mushrooms, basil etc.  Bethany confident in her meal asks no preferences, and will make exactly as she pleases.  Bonus, I get my normal grocery shopping done too.  They have a car shaped cart w/ Wyatt and Joaquin, and I have one with Eliana and Yannick.

Back home for naps.  Joaquin does not take one, so I don't make Wyatt, then I head off to get Zachary.  Eliana wakes around the time D and B need to start preparing their dinner so I take 4 out of 5 kids (Yannick is out cold) to the playground to give them some peace and quiet and kid-free time.  They were super nervous about E being too upset without them and crying etc etc, but she did just great.  A bit of complaining, but nothing a nice animal cracker couldn't solve.  Food = Love. :)

I stayed gone with them for an hour, then it was time for me to prepare dinner for the little ones.  We decided we would make dinner for them, and let them watch a movie while the adults ate.  Better for the judging.  Bethany declared the judging would be like Iron Chef, and we would rate 1-5 on taste, texture, originality, and plating, and something else too, which I don't remember.  I kept adding things to rate actually, a bit of a pain, but I was having fun.  

Here are the two nobel contestants
Yummmm....looks good!  A blind taste test, no idea whose this is

And the second.  That is a LOT of lasagne!  Art will have lots of leftovers while we are in Georgia.

It was so close.  So so close.  like 17 to 16 close.  But, we both picked Bethany's.  Eek.  Art was destroyed.  He really wanted to pick Daniel's!! :)  Bethany said she also won for ease of preparation, and simplicity of ingredients.  Hers was super easy to put together and Daniel's was a masterpieceof differing   flavors and ingredients, requiring much much prep time.

Still, Bethany's won.  Girl power!!!

It was fun for us...I hope it was fun for them!


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