Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, June 01, 2013

June 1st - the day after

I awoke not feeling great.  A yucky little cold.  Not terrible, but not so good.  Luckily the boys let us sleep in a bit.  When we got out of bed, we saw that Zachary had nearly finished his at-at walker

Thanks Poppi!

It does look very cool!

Later, as Art and I were fixing lunch, we asked Z to read to the other two so we could finish.

Only as I was taking this picture did I realize they all had on red shirts.  It is so so fun for us to hear Zachary reading to his brothers!

In the afternoon, we tried out the new wii remote light saber accessories.  Turns out to be pretty lame actually.  They light up fine, but that's it.  Since you don't move the wii remote around for this game, and just use the buttons, it doesn't add anything for the lightsaber to be there.  You can't wave it around and have it work with the game.

Later, Art helped Yannick use all the cars in the car box - very reminiscent of Zachary at 2.

This was not all the cars, but it sure was a good deal of them!

Later that night, we watched the sequel to How to Train Your Dragon.  It's called Dragon - Riders of Berk.  It turned out to be 4 or 5 20min episodes instead of another movie.  It was plenty enjoyable.  It was over very late though, and Yannick went to bed while the big kids watched the special features and I got our stuff ready for the sleep over.  Finally, I had to end the special features because it was nearly 9pm.  In a surprise twist, Wyatt wanted to sleep on the mattress with Art instead of in his bed, so I got Wyatt's bed to myself.  Art told them another installment of their favorite bedtime story - little bird, Pipe, and Wyatt.  Everyone went to sleep pretty quickly but me, who struggled much of the night with a runny stuffy nose.  Boo colds.


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