Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, May 31, 2013

Our 'baby' is 7! Happy Birthday Zachary

I have always thought that 7 is the quintessential age for a "big kid".  It came up too fast for us!  Happy 7th birthday to our first son!

As always, Art likes to have the kids wake up on their birthdays to balloons.  However, suspecting that Z would be up before us, we put the balloons in his bed while he was asleep.

Here is Zachary when he woke up to see all the balloons in his bed!  After this, he turned into a hoarder and wanted all the balloons in his bed only - none on the floor etc.

Last night, Zachary got to choose what he wanted for breakfast the next morning.  I was thinking he would say one of his favorites biscuits or cinnamon rolls.  However he threw me for a loop, requesting donuts.  I had to make a run to Lucky to get some...and the selection at 9pm was not so great, but I got some of differing kinds, cut them up in munchkin size pieces to share in the morning.
Here is Z with a slice of cream-filled donut.  As you can see, his chair is decorated by us, with a new twist by Art.  He made a Z out of ribbon.  

We were running late to school, but we got there, and Z remembered to bring his goody bags for his class.  I let him know he should not ride the bus today because we would pick him up for his birthday. He prefers to be picked up, so this was a big surprise for him!

While he was at school, Wyatt, Yannick and I ran to the party store after the gym to pick up a helium balloon to surprise him with at school during pick up.  I put the boys down for an early nap so that we could go get Zachary from school and Yannick would still get a decent nap.

It was fun to watch the kids come out of his class with their goody bags.  Then our birthday boy came out and he was very excited we were there.

Next stop, 7-11, as Z had requested we get Icees for his birthday.  He also conned me into getting him a medium size one, AND buying the cool straw to go with it for an extra $1.  I ended up getting yannick a chocolate milk because he seems to hate Icees.  Z picked out a movie from redbox (Koala Kid) to watch tonight with - of course - pizza.  Then off to Apple to celebrate a bit with Art.  I brought some cookies along with us (left over from Fun Wednesday) to have as a special snack.  They all played in the courtyard for a bit before Art had to get back to work.  Then home, but first a stop at another redbox, because we saw that they had the sequel to How to Train Your Dragon, which we were going to watch either tonight or tomorrow night.

Then home, for real this time.  

The boys watched their movie while eating pizza while I worked on the calzones for Art and I.  I had never made calzones, but wanted to give it a try.  Turned out awesome, and so so tasty.  Very easy.  not sure why we had never made them before!

After the movie, it was time for bed, but we let Z open the presents he had.  He did not get cake with his presents, he got cookie ice cream sandwiches!!  So yummy!

He was very excited to get a Lego at-at walker from Poppi, and semi excited by the wii controller lightsaber accessory, and excited to get the $7 from Mimi.  

As we put them to bed, he was a bit disappointed that we were not having a sleepover with him ON his birthday, but we promised to have one the next night.

A day full of junk food (at least he had to eat veggies with his pizza!), and his favorite things!

I hope we were able to make his birthday a nice one!
A week from tomorrow is the boys joint birthday party.


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