Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, May 27, 2013

Counts - Headley Reunion

We have not seen the Headley family since they came to our vow renewal in Vegas (baby).  They had been in CA for some days already and stayed with us as their final leg of the trip.  Good thing today was a holiday and Art and Z were home.  Art was able to help get the house clean and ready for our guests in record time.  They arrived early afternoon while yannick was still sleeping. Z W did not have much interaction with Joaquin in Vegas, so they did not have a particuar affinity for him a year however, the three of them were fast best buds!  We sat around and chatted for a bit until I finally had to go to the store.  What started off as a procrastination trip ended up in being a little break for the moms, as Bethany went with me.  The dads took the 5 kids to the playground and still were able to make it back to start the grill right on time.

I should have taken a picture of the table - it is always fun to have a bunch of people around it.  9 this time.

The kids got along so well, that Joaquin seemed to have no fear of sleeping on "the mattress" in the room with our three boys.  The spent a good 45 minutes in bed telling jokes and giggling.  One from J that both my boys liked "where does a pencil go on vacation? Pennsylvania"  har har.  And of course, the Yannick staple "knock knock (who's there), baboon, (baboon who?), baboon xxx (insert any object in his field of view).  They loved it.

The adults sat around and chatted and stayed up too late...


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