Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Fun Wednesday

The Headley family was off today enjoying the aquarium and meeting friends in Monterey and in Santa Cruz. Zach is at school and Wyatt is bummed his good friend is not here to play with.

Tonight we signed up for our bible study group's Fun Wednesday activity coordinator. As we are super lazy,  any activity we plan will be for an activity very near our house.  Luckily, we have a great park by our house, so no problems there.  We planned for everyone to bring picnic food followed by a game of kickball.  I love kickball.  Nearly everyone can play without too much skill involved.  I was a bit nervous at the start of the evening because both softball fields were being used by games.  Rarely are both fields being used.  However, since we took our sweet time eating an socializing, and watching Shea make it his personal mission to catch a loose dog (he wore the dog down in the end then boasted "and look, I'm not even winded!" so funny!), that the games were over when we were ready to play!

I wish I had taken pictures but I did not have my phone on me.  Part of what was fun for us was that Zachary played the entire time.  Near the end of the game, he even pitched for a bit.  I got nervous my last time up, because I did not want to kick the ball at him.  A few people before me, Jenny hit a line drive and hit her husband right in the head.  Very amusing - I am chuckling now as I write it - but I did not want to do that to Z!  W played for a bit, but then went off and ran around with the younger kids.  Zachary is getting so big!  

After the game, everyone came to our house for dessert (I made a Heath Bar Trifle and bought some cookies).  First, though, we all met in the living room, using up every available chair in the house, to hear a bit from Annie before she left to go work in an orphanage for a few months.  Then everyone sang happy birthday to Zachary, which he loved.  He also loved his singing card and personal birthday cake.

While everyone was still around chatting, the Headleys came back.  They were relieved that our kids were still up and awake since Joaquin had been asking to see them for hours and hours!  So we were able to put all the kids down together with the instruction that it was late late late, and only 3 jokes per kid were allowed.  Zachary said he didn't want to tell any because he was so tired!

It seemed as though everyone had a good time, and I hope we'll use our park again for kickball.


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