Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, April 06, 2013

Opa and Oma visit - Saturday

This morning was a more relaxed morning. Evidenced by three generations of men at the table enjoying 10am coffee time. Nowhere to be until 10:45am - Zachary's soccer game! It was a little cooler and overcast today - threatening rain. But we braved the weather to go to Z's soccer game. Driving a Honda Fit is often wonderful in its smallness...not so wonderful when 7 people need to go somewhere. Art took my bike and rode with Yannick to the game, and I drove O/O/Z/W. Only Dexter got left behind. Opa got in the back seat to make it all boys in the back, and all girls in the front. Off to the game. One of the Dads of team Laser had the job of ordering the team banner (at a cost of $16 per family), and did a great job, complete with soccer ball x-wing fighters! Zachary's team played wonderfully, yet still somehow got creamed. They all had a good time none-the-less. And Z made this very cool out-of-nowhere play where he was supposed to be playing in the back of the field, and the other team had a shot on goal which looked like it was going to go in, then from off the side, Zach swooped in and kicked the ball away as it was about to go into the goal. Very cool looking. Art, as coach, said "well, it's kind of hard to get mad at him (for being in the wrong place) after that save". It sprinkled a bit, but the weather held, and even got pleasantly warm by the end of the game. Yannick was quite well behaved considering most games have him yelling "DaUUUUUUUUU" most of the time or on the ground in a temper tantrum. Poor guy; I'm sure "watch Zachy game" is exciting for about 3 minutes.

After the game, back home for lunch. Art had an odd experience on the bike. Yannick fell asleep mid ride. Art stopped the bike to make sure he was ok because he was flopping around a bit. Unsettling. That small nap made it difficult for him to go to sleep during his normal nap time. It took him just under an hour to be quiet and fall asleep. After lunch, Art too off with his parents to see San Francisco. I expected them to be gone for the rest of the evening, eating dinner out, and made special plans with the boys for dinner and a movie. But they finished earlier than expected and came home for dinner, picking up Judy's Kitchen on the way.

Three generations having "coffee time" at the table

Boys only in the back seat

Zach's team - Lasers - banner

Zachary's team Lasers 2013

Wyatt wanting a picture with the banner


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