Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, August 19, 2013

First Day of School

August 19
AACK!  First day of school!!  How did this day come so so quickly??

Given this very very special day, each boy got to decide what they wanted to eat on the first day of school.  Zachary chose donuts.  Wyatt chose ice cream.  Yes, ice cream.  And yes, we let them!!  Art and I settled for cereal. 

Wyatt is in kindergarten.  I can hardly believe it.  When did he get to be big enough for that??  In Cupertino, kindergarten is a half day.  You can choose between Morning (9-12:25), or Afternoon (11-3).  After talking it over with Wyatt, he picked afternoon.  That way, he gets to eat lunch at school, and ride the bus home with Zachary.  Of course the first few days, I'll pick them both up until they are comfortable with the new routine, then they will ride the bus while Yannick sleeps.

Zachary starts school at 9am, so we are out the door at 8:45.  You never know how long it will take to find a parking space and how far away from school it will be.  I walk Z to his class and don't drop him off in front, so that takes time.
ZW on their first days, wearing their Ninjago shirts!

Art came with us to take Z to school, and then will go later to take W to school too.

Even though Wyatt won't go for two more hours, I took a picture of both of them by the school sign.  Can't believe I have two in school now!

Zachary was so relieved that he ended up in the same class as his best buddy Aidan.  Mrs. Kemp, his 1st grade teacher helped a bit with that, thankfully!

Zachary in line, in front of Aidan, to put away backpacks and pick their seats.  They got to pick anywhere they wanted to sit.

Zachary was able to pick a spot next to Aidan at the front of the class (I'm happy about both of those things!!)  I will not cry.  I will not cry.  :)

Off to drop Art off at work before we come get him again in 90 minutes.

Now Wyatt's turn for his first day.  Last week, we came to the class and Wyatt was able to see it, so it wasn't completely new to him thankfully.  Still, with the move, it's been awhile since he has been in a school (preschool) setting.  I am so nervous for him!!

Wyatt wearing his nametag and carrying his lunch!  He is so adorable that I can barely stand it!

Wyatt sitting by his cubby...right by Yannick's belly.  

Wyatt on the right sitting on the carpet with his class.  Criss-cross applesauce.  The way Mrs. Rahn got rid of the parents was pretty cute.  They kids waved at the board, waved at the books, waved at the toys, then waved goodbye to the parents.  From now on we are not allowed in the classroom unless we are volunteering or for a party.  Wyatt seems comfortable, and not too nervous.  Some kids are crying, but he's feeling ok.  He is worried he won't make friends. :)  Silly Wyatt!  Now to take Art back to work.  I won't cry I won't cry....too much.  No Wyatt at lunchtime is a big deal.  Now it's just me and Yannick.  

He was so excited for Z W to get their lunch in a lunch box that he wanted one too.  So I fixed his lunch in Zachary's old lunchbox from kindergarten.  We had a good time.  No worries.  We can do this.


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