Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, August 01, 2013

Another new to us park

Aug 1, 2013

We rang in the new month with another trip to a new park, complete with picnic lunch.

The park we went to today was very small, Montclair Park, even though it looked pretty big on the map.  The good thing was that it was adjacent to Montclair elementary school, which of course had a great playground.  We played on the small Montclair park for a bit first, especially because the boys were excited to see a ROLLER SLIDE!

All taking turns on the roller slide

now Zachary and Wyatt trying to go UP the roller slide

They loved the roller slide because they both remembered the roller slide that used to be at Lincoln Elementary in Evanston.  And the infamous time that DaU went down the rollers on his belly - painful, very painful in the groin area.

Yannick also enjoyed the springy ride


Then we headed over to the school playground.  I found some shade and set up our picnic and the boys played a bit on the big playground.

During the picnic lunch I had to explain that we were probably going to have to move.  The boys had seen the for sale sign in the yard and started asking questions.  Before, they just thought that our neighbors were moving, but now they are getting it.  Zachary asked if he might have to go to this school.  :)  Affording Los Altos would be interesting. :)

Then the boys went back to the playground where Wyatt has decided it is time he masters the monkey bars.  At first, Zachary was doing so great at coaching and explaining how to Wyatt, and being encouraging.  Wyatt can do it, he's just afraid for some reason.  So when it became obvious that Wyatt was chickening out, Z got irritated with him.  I helped him out a bit, but he's just not comfortable with it yet.  Zachary's problem is that he treats Wyatt as a peer, and not as the reality of W being two years younger than him.  

Back home for naps!


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