Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, August 15, 2013

August Small Bits - Part I

August 5

After swim lessons, and lunch, Tobin came over for a bit.  His siblings were sick, and his mom needed a rest, so I told her to drop him off with us.  

Tobin, Wyatt, and Zachary all sitting and coloring at the craft table.  I love having the three chairs in here!

Wyatt got the wrong end of a head bump!

Later that evening, Mom went out for a ladies night, which means only one thing in our house - mess of pillows.  That means Art and the boys pile as many pillows up, and mattresses, and Buster, and then he lets them jump off the top bunk.  I can't be at home for that, because it is too dangerous!

Wyatt trying to look like an angel.

Zachary trying for a bird look

Wyatt is deliberately flapping his arms, hoping to get a smudgy look on the picture so he looks like he has several arms.  I think he got it!

Zachary loves this one because he thinks his arm looks broken!

August 6
We had a play date with Aidan and Alexi at a new-to-us playground.  Sort of near Art's work, so we brought a picnic and planned to have a dinner at the park with Art.
Wyatt shocked me by getting up on the tunnel!  I did not realize he was brave enough to do this.

August 7
Zachary at swim lessons this time.
Working on freestyle I think

Zach sporting his green goggles.

Aug 8

Wyatt at swim lessons.  I would always stay for 5 minutes, to make sure all was ok, then go do a quick 20-25 minutes on the treadmill, and head back for the last 10 minutes of class.  
Wyatt working on his back float.  Now he has 3 kids in his class.  Still a very small class!

Later that day, we took our bikes out, and I noticed a cute curl under Yannick's helmet.
I do love his curly hair!

I sent the boys off to play while I made lunch, and I caught them here
This is one of my favorite sights - all three of them at the craft table peacefully

Another angle of them all working on something!

J Boys Invasion Aug 8-10
Our friends Holly and Garth were going to Napa for a romantic get-away.  We were taking their two boys (but not their daughter), for two nights.  Lunch on the 8th through early evening on the 10th.  That time has a lot of verbage and pictures, so that will be a separate post.  This post is just for the small bits.

August 10

After the J family has left, we get back to normal.  One way to do that is to play outside after dinner and dessert.
Wyatt actually got hurt here, because Nick rammed the big wheel with his scooter.  

The boys are now enjoying a game called "bucking broncos" with Art.  They sometimes take turns, and sometimes all go together.

My 4 guys preparing for a bucking bronco.  The clock behind them shows that it is very nearly 8pm.  Good time to rile them up! :)

August 11
Every parent wants to be awakened in the morning by invaders.

We are well protected!  Good thing those guns aren't loaded.

And later that afternoon, while Art and I made lunch, the boys enjoyed a non-violent episode from Shark Week.

Plenty of room on the couch for some Shark Week fans!

August 12
Despite the water in the kiddy pool being horribly cold (I am NOT getting in there!), the boys braved it on a nearly daily basis.

Zachary would start to shiver and need to get out after about 30 minutes, but Wyatt was able to stay in for hours!

So many different types of games were played.  In this one, they took all the toys out of the pool to be able to make a whirlpool.

Now Nick has joined in the action.  He does not love it, especially the splashing, but he does get in, and out, and in, and out, and in...

The toys are back in the pool now!  Wyatt is a bucket head.

August 13
After ZW's one hour rest time, we generally had another hour or two to play before Yannick woke up.  This was a good time for board games!

Today we played Life.

Zachary and Wyatt both enjoy this game

Zachary had a carload of kids!

Once Yannick was up, it was time for more pool action!

All three opt for the chilly waters

Skinny dipping!

Cozy snuggles from my monkey in his monkey towel

Mom attempting to ride Zachary's bike.  It doesn't look nearly as silly as I thought it would.

Aug 15, 2013

Gross chocolate face

Even grosser when he is trying to say "cheese" with a mouth full of chocolate grossness.

Today was the last day for swim lessons.  At the end of the lesson, the big kids got to go down the slide at the pool.  The slide is so rarely open during family swim, that it is a bit treat.  Here is Zachary about to splash down.

Oh how we love date night!  Tonight we ate dinner at Red Pepper Grill, then ran back home to get Art's bowling shoes, then headed to Homestead Lanes.  I think I must have slipped into a coma then, because that is the only explaination as to what occurred at the lanes!

Oh my.  Art, as Butt Butt, is KILLING me, as the Boss.  Shamefully so!

Final score was enough to send me into a shame spiral lasting the rest of the night!  How??  How??  Art started the game off with a Turkey, and I choked.  Or blacked out.  Or was taken over by aliens.  Eek!


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