Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, August 03, 2013

Explore CA - Mountain View Shoreline Park

The August 3, 2013

We are starting to get good at this.  Get up, eat breakfast, pack a picnic lunch, and head to new place.  This place was not actually new for Art.  While we were in ATL in July, Art biked here (a hefty bike ride - I think 20 miles round trip) to check it out, seeing if it would be a good place for us to come.  He deemed it would be, so here were are on a Saturday headed out.

An item of note.  On the way here, you drive by the museum of Computer History, and Google headquarters.  

Parking was a beast, but we circled around and found one.  I about went ballistic on Art (for not being aggressive enough), and on another car (for blatantly taking our parking place), when another spot two cars down opened up.  They are both lucky!  Before we parked actually, we pulled into a special parking lot just to check it out, called "kite flying parking".  Sure enough there were several people flying kites.  We brought our kites.  nellie had given us 2, so I bought another one at Target.  One of the kites she gave us is Disney princess, so hopefully Yannick won't mind or notice.  We asked the boys what they would rather do, fly kites, or go see the water.  All three opted for the water.  And that is when we encountered the parking issue. That solved, we walked over to the "beach" area.  Not really a beach, but more of a goose-poop covered grassy incline that sloped down toward a 2 foot sandy/rocky area that was for putting kayaks, paddle boats, etc into.  We had to hunt for a decent place to put the picnic blanket that was not covered in poop.
  Here is all the stuff you could do there, rental wise.  Good to have a record of this maybe.  ?  We decided that time was short, having gotten a late start on this, and opted to NOT rent anything this time.  We ate lunch very nearby a group of older dating couples.  An older guy (late 40s, early 50s) was there with his young girlfriend and his son who was near in age to the girlfriend.  Uggh.  And another young couple.  all in bikini's and rediculous.  Drinking champagne.  Granted my life is not always rainbows and roses, but I am so so glad to NOT be 40, dating, and trying to look 20.  I digress.  

The boys threw rocks into the lake/inlet/nearly fully enclosed body of water that was fed from the nearby bay.  After that we walked a bit to get to the edge of the bay.  When Art was here, he went over there, and saw a ton of birds. We even thought to bring the binoculars in case we could see some good wildlife.  

The boys taking a brief break on a bench before heading closer to the bay.  No birds, no wildlife.  A serious bummer.

Trying our best to see something.  

By this time it was nearing 2pm, and way past bedtime for our littlest guy, so we packed up and headed back home for naps.

Side note, Zachary's shirt is from King Lab in Evanston, and the back says Class of 2024.  Wowzers.  


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