Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, August 16, 2013

Last Friday before school starts

Coming down on the last days before school starts.  I am trying to make them count!

August 16, 2013

Zachary not only voluntarily got dressed, which he never wants to do, he was caught in the act of reading voluntarily, which he says he does not enjoy.  So so happy to see him enjoying reading, and choosing to do so!!

Now I am reading to all three while sitting in the cuddly chair!

After this we headed down to the San Jose arena to buy tickets to the CIRCUS!!!  So excited!!  I had packed a picnic lunch for us to take down there, and we would hit a park that I had heard about in a few different places as being such a cool park.  TOTAL FAIL!!  Buying circus tickets was easy peasy, I parked just 20 yards away from the window, across a small road.  Finding this high-acclaimed park on the other hand, was awful.  A nightmare.  I *think* we finally found it but 1) the street parking available charged about $2 for 30 minute, and 2) the park was smaller than our house I think.  Uggh.  So now what.  I have a picnic packed, and three bored kids who do not want to be in the car anymore.  So we go to a new-to-them park.  Art and I had a date night picnic here some weeks ago because it is pretty close to Apple.  I noticed then that it had a water play area.  So off to Ortega park we went.

Wyatt on the right in the green shorts, braving the cold cold water from the fountains.  The water would go on for about 2 minutes then shut off for about 30sec-1min.  Odd.

Yannick on the left and Wyatt on the right standing at a pole shooting water.

Zachary and I eating lunch.  Z was not thrilled with the sprinklers - too cold - and it took awhile before he wanted to get in.

Zachary finally getting into the mix.  He is sitting on a sprinkler that shoots straight up from the ground. Yannick is with him holding his truck.

Everyone drying off after a good time.  Lunch, changing, and back home for a nap!

August 16
Art was able to come home early today, and we decided to go to the community pool, Blackberry Farm.  It had been super hot out, so we thought it would be a good.  The pool lets you in 1/2 price if you go in after 5pm.  They close at 7pm.  Off we went!  Despite it being nearly 90deg today, it did not warm up the pool much.  It was COLD!  AND, as the sun started to set, the pool was nearly completely in the shade.  I was ready to call it quits after about 15 minutes.  ZW were having a grand time, but Y was getting colder and colder.  Finally he was done (yea!!), and I took him back to the towel to dry off.  I had to move our blanket all the way to the other end of the grass to have it in the sun.  So cold!!  However, there were some large boulders there that had been heating during the date.  They were nearly too hot to the touch.  But wrapped up in a towel, they were so so lovely!

Little Nick warming up on the hot rock.  He had to be careful not to put his bare feet on the rock because it was so hot!

Thirty minutes later, the entire pool was in the shade, and the big guys had finally had enough.  They came streaming out of the pool freezing!!
You can see the pool in the background.  You can also see Zachary in a blue towel and Wyatt in an orange towel moving very slowly.  Art was hustling to get into the sun!

These two shivering. 
Of course I introduced them to the warm rocks, which none of them wanted to leave!  We did a quick change so they would not freeze in the car, and headed home.  It was a good idea, but boy the moment that sun started down was the time to get out!  We probably won't do this again, but it was good to do it once!


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