Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, August 10, 2013

J boys Invasion

Our friends Holly and Garth wanted a get-away, so we took their two boys while they headed off for 2 nights in Napa.  We do date-night swap with them, switching off every week, so their boys are used to going to bed at our house every other week.  They are not used to waking up here, but I'm sure it will go well.

Holly dropped T and E off at lunch time bearing the gift of zucchini from their garden.  She gave me the run down and then it was just me and 5 boys!

They would all sleep in the same room at night, but "rest time" in the afternoon would have to be separate otherwise Yannick and E would never go to sleep.  

I am pretty sure the playroom was clean when they got there at noon.  By 3:30pm, disaster!

Enough chaos in the house, and we were off to the park with 5 boys!  Holly had brought ride-on toys/bikes for both boys, so everyone had something to ride.

Yannick and his buddy Ezra hanging out by the toddler playground.

These three riding all around the park on their bikes

Thanks for the zucchinis Holly, now we have breakfast for tomorrow!

Dinner with 5 boys means Art and I eat later, after these guys finish!

Shockingly, all boys went to bed pretty easily.  I think E liked being in there with them, because he did not cry at all, which he does usually at our house for a bit when going to bed for date night.

Day 2, Friday, started early.
Before breakfast, Z, W, T had created their armies.  Zoe wasn't there, so I'm not sure why the food bucket was out.

Z caught reading again!  Taking a little break from the crazy.

Then I decided we needed to get out of the house!  Holly and Garth had loaned us their minivan, so I loaded all 5 boys up and headed to the playground.  It was one we had been to before, and I thought it would be a good place.  It was pretty small for a playground, but loaded with a variety of things to do.  Plus it has a little water play area.   

As I was getting them all in the van, I was thinking - WHAT AM I DOING???  I am not supermom.  But, after working up a sweat getting everyone in and buckled, it was, of course, totally fine.

No nears, no bad attitudes.  All good.  Yannick was super excited to be sitting in Zoe's car seat (who had gone with a different family for 2 nights).  Off to the Los Altos park!

Four of the five at the water play area.  A little waterfall comes on for about 5 minutes, then goes off for twenty or so minutes.  Just long enough for them to dry out and start over.  It's pretty cute!

Tire swing!

Three big guys up on the climbing rock

Zachary helping me out, pushing W, T, Y, so that I can push E in the swing.  Shortly after this, we headed home for lunch.  It was a good outing, and everyone, even Zachary (who never wants to leave the house) had a good time.  It was not even stressful for me, since it is a small area to keep an eye on.

Lunch and naps/rest times successful, the big boys were up and we played Sorry.  T did not love it, but did well enough and stuck with it until the end.

Naturally Z won.  He has an uncanny amount of luck at games.  Even no-skill/luck games, he wins more than his fair share of them.

Little guys wake up an it is time for snacks!

Everyone happy getting some yummy snacks!

Then we survived dinner, and SOMEONE (Art) thought "yes, givng the kids fudge pops for dessert is a good idea" :)  Of course they loved it BUT:

Seriously gross and messy.

Art made the big boys each take a shower.  Art talked W and T through bathing themselves, etc, and I took care of cleaning the little guys.  All 5 wanted to take a bath, but no way.  Our tub can barely hold our 3!

Off to bed early for the guys, giving them time to chat a bit before falling asleep.  Worked, because they were asleep by 8:30!

Last day! Saturday - this means that Art is around to help out!  After a yummy biscuit breakfast we decided to round them all up and head to McClellan Ranch for a little hike and a visit to the reptile house.  What we did not expect is that we were there on the day that 4H gives tours of their animals.  So fun!

All 5 guys posing by the bee hives.  I'm am sure we will get blasted by Z in a few years for letting him out of the house in those shorts! :)

Z, E, T checking out the baby goats.  Our tour guide is the girl on the right.

The goats checking out the J boys.

Everyone checking out the big goats and the miniture ponies.  This was an enjoyable tour!

Shetland Pony!!  Love them!  Want one!

Then we checked out the chickens for WAY TOO LONG, and the tour was over.  We decided to take a little hike around before going to see the reptile house.

5 boys checking out Stevens Creek (where Z's school got its name)

One things we did not get a picture of was a large stag that had stopped in the middle of the trail.  So beautiful!
Then off to the reptile house.  It is a different experience every time you go, depending on what volunteer is at the house.  Some are more hands on and others are more lecture-like.  This guy was more of a "touch everything!" kind of guy.

Crayfish.  Ick

Brave boys holding snakes!!

Then back home for lunch, naps/rests.  After that, we thought it would not be long for H and G to get there, so we did not go to the park.  Instead we played "fast ride into the street", which is a ZWY favorite.  Art stands in the street to make sure no cars are coming, and the boys ride (bikes, scooters, whatever) down the driveway into the street.  They love it.  Now all 5 love it.  Around 4pm, Holly and Garth pulled up to collect their kids.  Sadly, they were having too much fun to give in to too many hugs and kisses. :)  They were very kind and gave us a nice bottle of wine and a loaf of artisan french bread.

Collected their kids and were on their way.  Back to just 3 boys again.

Best part:  At some point it will be OUR TURN to leave our boys with them for 2 nights!!! :)  Totally worth it!


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