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Friday, August 02, 2013

Dexter's power

August 2, 2013

Call it karma, call it "what goes around comes around", call it "tit for tat"'s all the same.  Soooo, I was being a bit mean to Dexter, kind of playing with him before bed.  Jumping out at him, so he would puff up and run off, then he would come at me (sincerely angry, as he HATES feeling like prey), then I would jump out at him again.  Not the nicest cat owner am I (yoda talk).  All this happened last night as we were getting ready for bed.  I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth, still "playing" with Dexter, much to his chagrin, and I hear him stalking me down the hall.  I fling the bathroom door open to startle Dexter, and surprise, the mirror flies off the door and lands mirror down on the floor with a huge crashing racket.  oops.  

Yep, no fixing that.  Good thing it was only $10 at Target.

Later, I took the mirror from the guest bedroom and put it on the bathroom door again.  Making good and sure the fasteners were very tight.  I won't be flinging the door open again, even if Dexter 'deserves' a little scare. :)


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