Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Last Saturday of Summer

August 17

This is the last Saturday before school starts.  Before Wyatt starts Kindergarten!!  How can they be getting so so old??  Uggh.

We are making it count!

Today we decided to make a trip to Monterey Bay.  We wanted to see the Aquarium again, and either go on a hike or go to a very cool playground.

We have been to the aquarium several times, and I think the boys are losing interest.  Art and I however could go many times!  It is just a bit too far - an hour and a half.  Still we love it.  Boys always love it when we get there.  So of course we pack a lunch and head out.

We start the day off with a lecture/film about sharks.  BIG MISTAKE!!  This is where I learned about the RED TRIANGLE, and saw the routes of tracked sharks that were ludicriously close to the shore.  I wasn't afraid of sharks before, but now....oh yea!  I am certain that was not their intent, but yowzers!  We also learned about the "shark cafe" somewhere off the coast of Hawaii where sharks hang out for months at different depths, and scientists do not yet know why!  Wyatt is wearing his shark shirt today, so he was popular.

A large screen with pictures and facts accompanied the lecture.  Eek!

Our three boys at the open sea area, looking for hammerheads, sea turtles, etc

yea!  A sea turtle sighting!

And a ray sighting!

We ate lunch outside while watching a performance about how just one animal can make a difference, put on my aquarium staff.  all the props were made of recycled or repurposed materials.  It was pretty cool.  It was also a bit chilly out there.  It was overcast with a breeze.

Now this was the coolest of all!  Most times when we were there, the octopus was jammed into a corner, bareley recognizable.  This time however, was amazing.  It was coincidentally feeding time when we walked over there, and the octopus moved all over the tank.  We had never seen that before - so so amazing!!  Loved it.  Z thought it was creepy, but better than seeing all his suction cups which he dislikes.

This guy - too fat frog - is one of Wyatt's favorites.  This guy never ever seems to move.  He has been in this position many other times before.  He is moving, so clearly alive, but just hanging out.  

Some cool skates and rays

Tiger shark and little ray

Yannick had been napping during this part, and while ZW were upstairs in the kids splash zone.  After he woke up, we spent a bit more time there, and then headed to the Dennis the Menace playground.  Art wanted to hike, but it was still overcast and cold.  No good for anyone.

Naturally, when we got there, the sun came out and it got pretty warm.  But we were glad that we tried out this place, because it was a great playground!!

Ack, the sun, the sun!  Boys in front of the Dennis the Menace sign.

ZW on a suspension bridge connecting one end of the playground to the other.  There was a cool maze on the right, and then a tunnel and all the playground equipement on the left.  Lots of sand.

Wyatt on the long long roller slide.  You can see Art in orange up at the top waiting for his turn.

Art sliding down, and Zachary in the back headed down.  It was a fast slide!

The triple threat headed down!

Yannick ringing the bell on the playground equipment

Yannick getting water on the way out!

Finally headed home!  We were all pretty tired - it was a full day!

These guys are so beat, they are just laying around the playroom, too tired to take off their shoes, they say! :)

They are able to get enough energy back to have a mess of pillows night with Art.  Uggh, my dreaded mess of pillows.  As long as I don't have to see it, and I don't have to clean, it, I'm ok.


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