Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Chima Tournament!

August 21
Aidan's mom told me that the Lego Store was holding Chima tournaments M,W,F of this week only. So OF COURSE we HAD to go.  It was at the mall at 4:30.  The employees said it started on time, and you need to be there for the beginning, so we left in plenty of time.

ZW wearing their Lego Ninjago shirts since they do not have any Chima shirts.  Yannick wore his new Hulk shirt.  All compliments of Aunt Joy!  Thanks Aunt Joy!

Thankfully we got there early, because I had never been to this mall before, and had no idea how big it was and where the Lego store was.  I think it took us literally 12 minutes to walk to it.  Lesson learned.

When we got there, the employees told the kids to make their own minifigure to represent them in the tournament.
Zachary with his guy.  complete with sword

Sweet Wyatt's minifigure with two weapons.

Yannick was too little to participate in the tournament, but he had a good time playing in their open play area.

Our Lego Chima warriors.  Alexi played too.  Off to the right, you can see Yannick hand, trying to play on the race track.

Zachary's first race.  Sadly, he loses and is out of the tournament.  He is given a free gift for playing.  He is pretty bummed to be out.  So much excitement for it to all be over so quickly.

Wyatt preparing for his first race.  Unbelievably he wins!!  He moves on to the next heat.  Wyatt has a very odd way he races.  He pulls the zipper with his right hand, throws the zipper behind him (much to the surprise of kids standing behind him!), then transfers the speedor to his right hand before setting it down.  This is extremely slow process.  Yet he won.  Then his next race, he won again!!  He made it to the semi-finals.  Z was so jealous!  Aidan also got out in the first round, but Alexi won his first round but lost his second.  Wyatt lost his third round, but was pretty excited to get so far!!

We talked about going back on Friday to do it again.  Aidan and Alexi could not, but we were hoping that Art could leave work early and come with us.


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