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Thursday, May 09, 2013

Date Night!! (No pics)

Our weekly date night swap with the J family is now well established.  They have gone twice, and tonight was our second turn.  The way date night used to work with the Mangrich family is generally Art would come home and we would all eat dinner together unless we were specifically going out to eat as part of our date.  However, that was rare b/c we did not want to spend that much $, and preferred doing other activities instead.  Our new Silicon Valley life however does not lend itself to that schedule. Art can rarely get home before 6:30.  So for now at least, until maybe soccer season is over, our date nights will consist of going out to eat first.  I feed the boys, then drop them off at the Jantzens, then go pick up Art from work.  Not a great system, but it is ok for now....we'll experiment with it a bit.

This night's date night:  dinner at a Korean BBQ place (not the kind where you cook it yourself).  So yummy!!  Not another white person in sight, which is usually a good sign of good food - or at least authentic. :)  And it was DELISH!  Sadly, we ate so much that there were no leftovers.  To be fair to us though, the main entree, the BBQ, was not a huge portion, because there were about 8 side dishes.  Which we got 2nds of the ones we really liked....included in the price.  Love it! :)

Then, get ready for the romance....we went to the library!  Staci had recommended Mindy Kaling's book, so I wanted to get it.  I had suggested to the boys earlier that we make a trip to the library and they all (even Nick, though he might have just been copying his brothers), said No.  Sheesh!!  So yes, we went to the library.  As we were going, I was shocked to realize that Art, though living in Cupertino for nearly 6 months (though only 4 with the family), he has never gone to the library.  Not the little branch we go to in Los Altos, nor to the Cupertino one with the great aquarium.  Oops.  So at least trying out a new thing for him.  We had about 30 minutes before they closed, and I was on the warpath to get this book.  21 of 22 copies were out, but one was slated to be on the shelf.  It was not there.  WHAT?!?!  The librarian checked for me, in case I was a dummy (whew!), and then said they pulled it for a patron who had it on hold.  SIGH.  However, I got a Sophie Kinsella book I had not yet read (I've got your Number), and......drum roll.....JK Rowling's new, adult, book.  I had been avoiding it.  I love Harry Potter so much, I did not want to read anything else by her, but I took a deep breath and checked it out anyway.  We'll see if i do actually read it. :)

We also went back downstairs and started grabbing random books for the kids.  We were down to less than 5 minutes to check out, and who knows what we got.  Dinosaur books, a few Scizecka books we had not yet read, a Curious George, etc.  But we made it to check out just in time!

Then not wanting to spend even MORE money for something we only sort of wanted (aka a coffee shop, or a bakery for dessert), we chatted in the car for about 40 minutes before gong to pick up the kiddos.

All in all a fun date night....though, as I told someone recently, we could go watch the flies land at the town dump, and that would be awesome just bc someone else was putting our kids to bed! :)


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