Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, May 03, 2013

Wyatt Favorite Car

Short post, but humorous to me. Wyatt has a favorite car. We see it parked in the lot at Zachary's school. Wyatt has asked me a few times to take a picture of it, but I don't always have my phone with me. Today I both had my phone, and had some minutes to spare before getting to the MOPS meeting. Here is Wy's favorite car

Wyatt is convinced that our next car is going to be orange.  It's only fair, he claims, since we picked our current car because red is Zachary's favorite seems right that it is Wyatt's turn.  I would say that there is about an 85% chance that within the next 5 years, we will be driving around in a either an orange minivan, or an orange station wagon not yet existing.  Because of our Wyatt, my tolerance for orange has become an inkling of liking.  Don't be shocked when it happens.  Then of course whatever Yannick's favorite color it.  Right now it's blue, but that is the only color he can identify.  Boy can parrot counting to 20, but not colors.  We might want to look into that. 


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