Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, May 03, 2013

Movie night!

Tonight Art was meeting a friend for beers...then Apple decided to have one of their beer bashes. Score! Art gets to meet his friend AND get free beer and free delish food (his buddy Garth also works for Apple, otherwise this plan would not come to fruition). Needless to say, he was not home for dinner, and just squeeked by getting home before the kids were in bed. When Art is not home for dinner on the weekend, we usually watch a movie. Tonight's pick, Rio. I watched for the first 30 minutes before getting dinner ready. Boys were disappointed they did not get to have pizza in front of the tv like they usually do on a pizza/movie night once a month, but nope, tonight's a meat night. So we had to stop the movie to eat dinner, then resume it. Yannick watched for the first half until he got bored. Nick only watches two feature films in their entirety: How to Train Your Dragon, and Cars. He has not yet seen Cars 2. Then again, he is only 2...I don't really want him to be all that into movies, even if it would make movie night a bit easier for us. :) Here they are before they got bored.

Wyatt looks asleep, and yannick is looking at a Star Wars character book.

Perhaps not the best picture, but it is more for posterity remember that it did happen, that we enjoyed it, and that the boys sang the songs from Rio for the rest of the evening, and into the next morning.

Note just for me...when Art came home, I let him be in charge of putting the boys in bed/prayers/bible stories, and I took off for Target for some "light" grocery shopping. Ahhhhh, the silence. Usually I like to get that done before it's "art/shayna time", but yo, we were out of milk. and orange juice. how could we have breakfast??

while at Target, I was sorely tempted by these

But seeing as how I'm sort-of trying to lose 6ish pounds, NOR am I feeling depression-only-cheese-balls-can-cure, I stayed away from the disgusting tub of artificial fat - even though it was on sale for $4.50. Which might be even grosser.

And lastly for my evening....hey all you grandma/grandpa types. When the light turns green, you should be OUT of the intersection. I was at an interesection across the street from our local community college (De Anza), and I glance to my left to be shocked, honestly startled, by a massive group of Over 50s. Swarming towards my tiny Honda Fit. Seemingly. yes, this is interesting to only me, but hey, it's MY blog, so suffer on. Here's part of what I see out my window:

I have no idea why this swarm of people was there at 9:30pm. Was a show letting out? Was it a party? Over 100 people all crossing the street at the same time. With total disregard to THE LAW. As in, my light had turned green, but I'm going nowhere, because this is in front of me

When I shared all of this with Art he looked at me strangely as though this is of so very intesimal interest that I should not waste camera memory space for this. Now I'll show him, not only is it now posted on the internet for all to see (ok, 10-15 people), it will also be forever noted when this year's blog is printed in paperback book form to be read forever and ever and ever. Insert maniacal laugh. Ps. it's late, and perhaps I should go to bed. My snarky self is creeping out.


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