Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Wednesday Fun Day

Several fun things today

First, a friend and I are taking turns watching each others kids so we can attend the BSF preview meeting. So at 10am, Garth dropped the kiddos off at our house. We all had a fun playdate for abt 2 hrs including lunch. We had lunch early bc Tobin has to be at preschool at 1230. With all that extra time before naps the boys and I went outside. First was more bike riding practice. Then they moved into sidewalk chalk. I had gotten it out last Wed with Z and W but this was Yannick's first time since last summer. Which of course he does not remember. N had a bad habit of wanting to draw ON Wyatt's picture which infuriated W of course. We moved out of the sun and into the shade of the sidewalk which is where the pictures were taken. Still they had a good time! Then it was time for nap.

The fun continued after nap time. Wednesdays are usually bible study nights. However, one Wed a month, they deem it "Fun Wednesday", and someone or couple signs up to decide what the group will do that is fun, and where they should do it. Tonight was the night. The couple heading it up decided on a park in Campbell. Of course I was so busy chatting (it was like a middle school dance - girls in one area, boys in the other!), I never took a picture. I SHOULD have taken a picture of Yannick who was so so so filthy from the sand and the water. Uggh. We had to give him a complete change and wipe down before we left!

But I digress....BEFORE we went to to the park w/ the bible study crew, the boys and I headed over to Memorial Park. Last week, Art noticed that the ever-present geese had had babies and they were super cute. We have been trying since then to get over there and see them...tonight is the night! We had to go to that area to pick up Art for "bible study" anyway, so we left about 45 minutes early to go on a hunt for geese.
We went to the exact place Art had told us he had seen them, but all we saw was this goose with her older baby. Cute, but not the heart-stopping cuteness we had expected.

Cute yes. But not enough to hold our attention. So we went to the playground. Then, Wyatt and Zachary had the brilliant idea to go over to the other pond to check there for the geese, so off we went. Unfortunately, Yannick was intrigued by a tiny waterfall that looked like it had soap in it. Whatever was in the water was causing a bit of bubbly lather. He would not come with us, and I didn't want to leave him alone for fear of falling into the water. Finally he was coaxed over by the promise of baby ducks!

Baby ducks - so so cute! Especially since they are Zachary's favorite animal! Sadly, I had just read an article recently about how we should not feed ducks bread. It does not have enough nutrients for the ducks, the fill up on the bread and end up malnourished - like when Art used to eat a bag of Doritos for lunch. :) Plus there are signs up all over saying not to feed them. As we walked along the pond (which intermittent interruptions by Yannick wanting to "see soap!"), we finally hit jackpot!!

Oh my goodness they are so adorable!! Several of them were bedding down for a nap, and they would stick one cute little webbed foot out for a good stretch then get comfy. I could have sat there and watched them for a good long while, but the boys got bored after a bit. How could you get bored of precious baby geese - "living free and in the wild" (the tag line for the WildKratts)??

We headed back to the car by way of the Cupertino war memorial. I had to explain to the big guys what this was, and why it was here, and how the men and women died, and what the statue was, etc. Yannick was just thrilled to be allowed to walk on the statue and feel the big guns.

Off to pick up DaU and fight traffic to get to the aforementioned park for....Fun Wednesday.

It is times like that when I miss Evanston. I do NOT want to be driving 20 minutes, down the highway, through congested side streets to get to my bible study group. I want to walk either one street over to the Watsons, or two streets over to the Scaleros. Sheesh people. A new neighborhood group is starting and we are thinking about offering to host - sadly so 1) we would not have to drive anywhere, and 2) the house would be spotless at least once a week! :)

Today was a fun day.


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