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Monday, April 29, 2013

Perfect weather has broken

Uggh. Today we had a taste of some unpleasant days to come our way. It was too too hot today. I think the high was 88. Which in itself is not too bad but it was hot early in the day - already 80 at 9am when it is usu chilly in the morning and climbs a gradual crescendo to the high around 3pm. Then it is only a few short hours until the sun sets and it is all cold again. The temp in the house got to 86 before I had it and let the boys go out with their swimsuits on for some sprinkler and water gun time.

Of course little Nick was meerely a bystander for most of the play.  The water was too cold and unpredictable for him, but he did give it a bit of an effort. I let them play out there for about half an hour then into the bath [total rabbit trail aside. I am currently listening to a book on mp3 that is narrated by an English woman. I have been listening to it for about a week, and now, when I type, the words in my head have an English accent. bath = bahth crazy lady!].

My biggest concern is that we have neither AC, nor ceiling fans in the house. I put an oscillating fan in the boys room during naptime and kept the thermal curtains closed. By bedtime it was not uncomfortable in there, and by 9pm we had to close their door and turn off the fan - it was quite cool outside. We have a few hot days coming up the rest of the week, so I am not sure what this will mean for our rental home...purchase fans, a window AC unit, or if it will be unbearable. Most people say the really hot days here are very few and far between, but we shall see. There seem to be a LOT of fans for sale at Target. :)

[editor's note. as I type this, it is 'really' Tuesday, and today's weather is back to lovely again. high 70s with a fantastic breeze! Hot days coming though]


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