Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, May 02, 2013

Making lemonade - not literally

Today was supposed to be Wyatt's first playdate with Eli, a buddy from gymnastics class. I had asked the mom a few weeks ago about getting together for lunch after gymnastics, but she always has to run to get the kids down for a nap early b/c they have to get up to go get her older daughter from school. She had said that during the summer session she could. I left it at that. Until, my slow, dilapidated brain finally caught up and realized I should ask them over BEFORE gymnastics. So I did, and today was to be the day. Saddy - Eli was sick and could not make it for the play date nor gymnastics. Lemons!! However, this opened up the possibility for Art to be able to watch Wyatt's class - lemonade! Wyatt is so proud of his class, and only has a few meetings left. Art has wanted to come and has always been booked with work - but not today! I had to go pick him up and take him back to work, which was no problem. Especially because it was so so hot today - the hottest day of the week at 90! Eek!

Yannick was behaved very well at class - no temper tantrums, and only a few attempts to go into class with Wyatt. Art was able to watch the whole class, and Wyatt was the "helper" for one of the rooms, which means he got to do the course first, showing the class what to do at each station. Wy was definitely showing off for DaU!

Finally Yannick got bored of my ministrations, and took matters into his own hands. He dumped all the books out of the book basket (there for the entertainment of little guests), and picked one book he wanted to read

He could have sat there for quite a long while.  In fact, we had to make him get out once Wyatt's class was over!

Then we had to take Art back to work. I had fixed the boys lunches ahead of time so they could eat it in the car. I wanted to put them down for a nap super early, so they would wake up early. Zachary was going over to a friend's house. Aidan, whom we had, with his mom, over a few weeks ago as our first playdate here for Zachary. So now, Zachary went to his house after school, with the invitation that Wyatt, Yannick and I should come over too as soon as we could. Jessie (the mom) and I had gotten along so well, that it was super fun to chat with her. I was looking forward to visiting them again. This time, Aidan's younger brother would be there, and so we could see how my three and her two would get along...perhaps a good match for us in the future!

Yannick slept and slept of course, after getting home after 9pm last night! But we made it to Aidan's house shortly after 4pm. We had to leave before 5:45 b/c Aidan had piano lessons. The boys all had a great time, and I enjoyed chatting with Jessie again. She and her husband are from Malaysia and she has interesting stories. One of the favorite things Zachary did was play with bows and arrows, the kind with a suction cup on the end of the arrow. Yannick loved the water table outside, and of course, got soaked and had to be changed, for the second day in a row, before we left.

Then we were NOT DONE with playdates! It was the J family turn for their date night, and they dropped their 3 kids off here around 6:30, as my kids were complaining about dinner. It was just too hot to cook anything - i think 86deg in the house, so we had cold pasta w/ tomatoes and corn and black beans w/ some italian seasoning. And corn bread. Not a hit. W complained about how gross it was until he finally ate it then turned out he actually liked it. Punk. Our three and their three played great together and they all went to bed fairly well. Art and I folded 2 loads of laundry. Living the dream! :)


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