Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, May 03, 2013

Growing up TOO fast

Today at lunch, Yannick decided he would like to sit at the table "yike Zachy Bubba". Oh my. So I put the little stool, that we sometimes use as a booster, in the chair to indulge him for a bit. Not the greatest lunch ever, but he did eat his lunch, despite wanting to get up and down and up and down, etc. I am really hoping this was a fluke, but I will not be surprised if he wants to eat his dinner this way too, and then it will just be his new thing. 2 years old is too little to be sitting at the big table...IMHO.

Yet here he sits, as though he owns the place!

Of course once the camera is out and a picture has been taken, Wyatt MUST have a picture too. So he asked me to take a picture if his new favorite "chip", a popcorn cracker chip thing.

So yummy.

THEN, if Wyatt is getting pictures of his food, naturally, Nick must also have a picture of his side dish...provolone cheese it.

Nice and blurry because of the action shot.

Seriously, why do I post this stuff? Is it just to remind me how mundane life as a stay-at-home-mom can sometimes be? I am really taking pictures of food now? Though to be honest, those provolone Cheese Its are seriously good. Seriously.


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