Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Zachary AYSO - 1st game

When we moved here, we put both Z and W on the wait list for AYSO, or as Z calls it, outside soccer. A few weeks later we got an email that said there was one spot left in the league and it would go to the boy whose parent would agree to assistant coach. Art looked at me and said " well, I guess I'm going to be a coach again". Z had his first practice while Nana was here, but Art was in China so he missed it. Art made it to the second practice, and today is the first game! Zachary has been so so excited about it. Which is why we felt so badly when he woke up feeling sick. I was reluctant to take his temperature, just so I would not have to keep him out of the game. Against better judgement, we decided to let him play. He did great, though you could tell he was not feeling well, and by the end of the game he was toast. Unfortunately they were missing two of their players and had no subs, so he had to stay in the entire game. Last night Art and I went out to collect the uniforms, and Zachary was so excited to pick out his number. Wyatt was thrilled that it is his favorite color - orange. Albeit a neon version of orange. At practice last week, the team voted and came up with the name Lasers. Only in Silicon Valley will the parents then start discussing the different types of lasers. Sheesh. So once the colors were in, Z wanted to make sure that orange lasers were reasonable. sure, why not. Poppi was here and got to see the first game. it was a bit chilly with the breeze and we ended up wearing our light jackets until the end of the game. The game was at noon, so I packed lunch for W and N. It also gave them something else to do to stay out of trouble. Yannick struggled bc he wanted to be with DaU, and I had to keep telling him that DaU was working. Not his best day.

Zachary is number 3. Art and i both wore Orange Holland jerseys to the game. Another Dad is Dutch which was fun. Pancho, the head coach, who is Bulgarian, was also wearing an orange jersey. We were well represented.

Overall, it was a fun game, and I'm glad we are doing it. Only one player does not seem interested in playing, and spends most of the time in la la land. Everyone else is into it, and excited to play. they won today 2-0 I believe. yea Zach! Yea coach Art!


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