Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, May 14, 2012

PIcnic at Our Park

Finally...spring is here!  After our freak early summer in March, it's been decidedly chilly here.  To celebrate, the younger boys and I had a picnic at the park behind the house.  Yannick's first ever picnic - at least his first where he was expected to sit down and eat food.  I was very curious to see if he was going to be obedient and sit on the picnic blanket or take off for the playground.  I was pleasantly surprised that he stayed put, after just a brief struggle!

Yannick and Wyatt mid-eating

Wyatt so wants to be a sunglasses wearer, but they never seem to work for him.  He has several pair and none have made him happy...for unknown reasons to me.  Yannick however LOVES sunglasses.  Unfortunately for any adult present, what he loves about them is having them on for 5 seconds, taking them off, giving them to you, then whining until you put them back on his face, which he is thoughtfully leaning forward to help you out.  This does not get old for him, but it does for me.  JUST KEEP THEM ON OR OFF.  Alas, I spend a good portion of time humoring him.

Short note - that is not a picnic blanket we are sitting on.  Instead it is an old fabric shower curtain which I thought might keep us dryer if the ground was wet, and help repel the inevitable spills.



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