Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, March 15, 2013

Poppi Visit - Friday 3/15

Dad arrived last evening. I fed the boys dinner and we went to the airport to pick him up. Today, Poppi dives right into the grandad role. He came with Wyatt, Yannick and I to take Zachary to school and walk him to class. Then I dropped him off at the house with the two boys while I headed to MOPS bible study. Today was a fellowship day and a clothing/stuff swap. I unloaded some of my 18m clothes and left with a good stash of stuff for the boys and myself. Yea swaps! It was a nice enjoyable morning just chatting with other moms and having breakfast (I finally got to eat some of the bacon i had cooked last night. the house still smelled of bacon this morning and i was eager to get some!). I even got caught on film holding a newborn for another mom so she could finish eating. He was awfully cuddly and sweet....:) I finally got home around noon and made lunch for everyone. Yannick loved his lunch so much he attempted eat the shredded cheese off the plate (a la Show Mommy How the Piggies Eat!). So gross. Yet pretty funny! We all played after lunch and read some books. Then nap time for everyone! Except Poppi who went to do his 4m walk. He was back in time to grab Zachary at the bus stop.

Yannick woke up and we headed over to McClellan Ranch to see their animals. Zachary had been there with Art for an Night Owl Hike in Feb, but the rest of us had not been there. They have a little live-animal museum there with volunteers who come to tell you about the animals/insects and also bring their own. A very cool little place, especially since it is free. It is only open on Friday and Saturday, except for the classes you can sign up for after school. Some really great programs. They had a variety of snakes, turtles, spiders (including a black widow, and a tarantula), mice, lizards, etc. There is a barn there too for the 4H club that has the cutest Shetland Ponies. I do still want one as a pet. Wyatt was enthralled with the two turtles. They were two different breeds and one stayed in the water nearly the entire time, and the other never wanted to get in the water. There were some "interesting" 20ish yr old guys there who were super nice and knowledgable about all the creatures. One brought his own snake to share. The grossest thing was the hissing cockroaches. They let some out of the cages and let them hang out on the ceiling for awhile. Eek! We all loved it...except for maybe Zachary who did not want to leave home in the first place. Still, a worthwhile little outing, particularly since it is just about 2 miles away from us!

Back home and prepare for dinner, waiting for Art to get home to start the grill. We grilled out burgers, roasted potatoes, green beans, scrambled eggs (for Z), mushrooms, peppers, ALL on the grill. Nothing in the oven or microwave! Go Art!

An enjoyable day!


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